Bookedited by Forrest O. Moore [and others].
Surgical Critical Care. Respiratory and Cardiovascular Physiology / Marcin Jankowski, Frederick Giberson
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Oxygen Delivery, and Shock / Filip Moshkovsky, Luis Cardenas, Mark Cipolle
ECMO / Andy Michaels
Arrhythmias, Acute Coronary Syndromes, and Hypertensive Emergencies / Rondi Gelbard, Omar K Danner
Sepsis and the Inflammatory Response to Injury / Juan C Duchesne, Marquinn D Duke
Hemodynamic and Respiratory Monitoring / Stephen M Welch, Christopher S Nelson, Stephen L Barnes
Airway and Perioperative Management / Stephen M Welch, Jeffrey P Coughenour, Stephen L Barnes
Acute Respiratory Failure and Mechanical Ventilation / Adrian A Maung, Lewis J Kaplan
Infectious Disease / Yousef Abuhakmeh, John Watt, Courtney McKinney
Pharmacology and Antibiotics / Michelle Strong, CPT Clay M Merritt
Transfusion, Hemostasis, and Coagulation / Erin Palm, Kenji Inaba
Analgesia and Anesthesia / Marquinn D Duke, Juan C Duchesne
Delirium, Alcohol Withdrawal, and Psychiatric Disorders / Peter Bendix, Ali Salim
Acid-Base, Fluid, and Electrolytes / Joshua Dilday, Asser Youssef, Nicholas Thiessen
Metabolic Illness and Endocrinopathies / Andrew J Young, Therese M Duane
Hypothermia and Hyperthermia / Raquel M Forsythe
Acute Kidney Injury / Remigio J Flor, Keneeshia N Williams, Terence O'Keeffe
Liver Failure / Muhammad Numan Khan, Bellal Joseph
Nutrition Support in Critically Ill Patients / Rifat Latifi, Jorge Con
Neurocritical Care / Herb A Phelan
Thromboembolism / Herb A Phelan
Transplantation, Immunology, and Cell Biology / Leslie Kobayashi, Emily Cantrell
Obstetric Critical Care / Gerard J Fulda, Anthony Sciscione
Pediatric Critical Care / Erin M Garvey, J Craig Egan
Envenomations, Poisonings, and Toxicology / Michelle Strong
Common Procedures in the ICU / Joanelle A Bailey, Adam D Fox
Diagnostic Imaging, Ultrasound, and Interventional Radiology / Keneeshia N Williams, Remigio J flor, Terence O'Keeffe
Emergency Surgery. Neurotrauma / Faisal Shah Jehan, Bellal Joseph
Blunt and Penetrating Neck Trauma / Leslie Kobayashi, Barret Halgas
Cardiothoracic and Thoracic Vascular Injury / Leslie Kobayashi, Amelia Simpson
Abdominal and Abdominal Vascular Injury / Leslie Kobayashi, Michelle G Hamel
Orthopedic and Hand Trauma / Brett D Crist, Gregory J Della Rocca
Peripheral Vascular Trauma / Amy V Gore, Adam D Fox
Urologic Trauma and Disorders / Jeremy Juern, Daniel Roubik
Care of the Pregnant Trauma Patient / Ashley McCusker, Terence O'Keeffe
Esophagus, Stomach, and Duodenum / Matthew B Singer, Andrew Tang
Small Intestine, Appendix, and Colorectal / Vishal Bansal, Jay J Doucet
Gallbladder and Pancreas / Matthew B Singer, Andrew Tang
Liver and Spleen / Cathy Ho, Narong Kulvatunyou
Incarcerated Hernias / Cathy Ho, Narong Kulvatunyou
Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections and Other Soft Tissue Infections / Jacob Swann, LTC Joseph J DuBose
Obesity and Bariatric Surgery / Gregory Peirce, LTC Eric Ahnfeldt
Thermal Burns, Electrical Burns, Chemical Burns, Inhalational Injury, and Lightning Injuries / Joseph J DuBose, Jacob Swann
Gynecologic Surgery / K Aviva Bashan-Gilzenrat
Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery / Jonathan Nguyen, Bryan C Morse
Pediatric Surgery / Matthew Martin, Aaron Cunningham, Mubeen Jafri
Geriatrics / K Aviva Bashan-Gilzenrat, Bryan Morse
Telemedicine and Telepresence for Surgery and Trauma / Kalterina Latifi, Rifat Latifi
Statistics / Alan Cook
Ethics, End-of-Life, and Organ Retrieval / Allyson Cook, Lewis J Kaplan
Supplemental Images.