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  • Book
    edited by Judith R. Harrison, Brandon K. Schultz, Steven W. Evans.
    Part 1: Foundations
    1. The history and future of school mental health
    2. Who are the school mental health professionals?
    Part II. School mental health interventions
    3. Engaging adolescents in secondary schools
    4. Supporting students following school crises: From the acute aftermath through recovery
    5. Enhancing attention and organization in adolescents
    6. Managing disruptive behavior
    7. Regulating emotions
    8. Emotion regulation and social functioning in adolescence: Conceptualization and treatment
    9. Working with adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
    10. Addressing adolescent drug abuse
    11. Managing chronic health concerns
    Part III. Special topics
    12. Screening and progress monitoring in secondadry schools
    13. Classroom-based services for adolescents with mental health needs
    14. Consultation and collaboration to increase integrity in school mental health
    15. Mental health promotion with aboriginal youth: Lessons learned from the uniting our nations program.
    Digital Access Oxford 2017