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  • Book
    edited by Nathan D. Ainspan, Craig Bryan, and Walter Erich Penk.
    Section 1. Military culture and populations
    Demographics and characteristics of the US military and veteran populations
    Military rules and regulations
    Unique challenges of national guard and reserve service members
    Roles and challenges of women in the military
    Lesbian, gay, and bisexual service members
    Transgender service members and veterans
    Creating a respectful, welcoming clinical environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender veterans
    Section 2. Assessing and treating psychiatric disorders
    Posttraumatic stress disorder
    Psychological rehabilitation strategies for social and occupational functioning associated with posttraumatic stress disorder
    Depression, anxiety, and other disorders
    Sleep disturbances
    Psychosocial interventions for traumatic brain injury
    Substance use disorders among veterans
    Section 3. Clinical issues
    Suicidal behaviors among military personnel and veterans
    Aggression and anger in veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder
    Treating injury and chronic pain in military and veteran populations
    Section 4. Psychosocial interventions
    Money management for returning service members and veterans
    Educational and employment opportunities for veterans
    Facilitating recovery from moral and spiritual injuries
    Facilitating growth after trauma : cognitive and interpersonal considerations
    Section 5. Military families
    Unique challenges facing military families
    Parenting issues in military and veteran families
    Helping the child cope with injury to the parent
    Helping military children cope with the death of a parent
    Couple therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder
    Section 6. Clinical practices and administrative issues
    Providing service under TRICARE
    Working with the US Department of Veteran Affairs and other medical personnel
    Telemedicine in delivering care
    Judicious reliance on psychotropic medications
    Ethics guiding psychosocial rehabilitation
    Addressing mental health stigma.
    Digital Access Oxford 2015
  • Article
    Kutsch W.
    J Physiol (Paris). 1977;73(4):593-616.
    Digital Access Access Options