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  • Book
    [edited by] Thomas E. Rohrer, Jonathan L. Cook, Andrew J. Kaufman.
    Anatomy / Stuart J. Salasche and Stephen H. Mandy
    Basic principles in flap reconstruction / Ashley Wysong and Shauna Higgins
    Second intention healing and primary closure / MIchael Cosulich, Jeremy Etzkorn, Thuzar Myo Shin, and Christopher J. Miller
    Advancement flaps / Christie R. Travelute and Roberta Sengelmann
    Rotation flaps / Glenn Goldman
    V-Y flaps and island flaps / Joel Cook
    Transposition flaps / Ashish C. Bhatia, Joe Overman, and Thomas E. Rohrer
    Staged interpolation flaps / Tri H. Nguyen and Janet Li
    Skin grafts / Gerardo Marrazzo and John Albertini
    Scalp reconstruction / Justin J. Leitenberger and Ken K. Lee
    Forehead and temple repair / Mary L. Stevenson and John A. Carucci
    Periocular reconstruction / Andrea Willey
    Cheek reconstruction / Richard G. Bennett
    Ear reconstruction / Hayes B. Gladstone and Greg S. Morganroth
    Reconstruction of the nose / Jonathan L. Cook
    Perioral reconstruction / Joseph F. Sobanko
    Neck reconstruction / Anna Bar and Spring Golder
    Surgical complications and revision of scars / Cheryl Janene Gustafson and C. William Hanke.
    Digital Access ClinicalKey 2018
  • Article
    Rotsztejn WH, Charli JL, Pattou E, Kordon C.
    Endocrinology. 1977 Nov;101(5):1475-83.
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