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- Bookedited by Jérôme Badaut, Nikolaus Plesnila.Contents:
Physiology of cerebral blood vessels / Ute Lindauer
Blood-brain interfaces organization in relation to inorganic ion transport, CDF secretion, and circulation / Jean-Franc̦ois Chersi-Egea and Helle Damkier
Noninvasive imaging techniques for brain edema / Andre Obenaus and Jérôme Badaut
Experiemental techniques to investigate the formation of brain edema in vivo / Nikolaus Plesnila
In vitro models of the blood-brain barrier to better understand the pathophysiology of brain edema / Abraham J. Al-Ahmad
The extracellular and perivascular spaces of the brain / Mchelle E. Pizzo and Robert G. Thorne
Blood-brain barrier mechanisms of edema formation / Martha E. O'Donnell, Heike Wulff and Yi-Je Chen
Mechanisms of cell-volume regulation in the central nervous system / Nikolaus Plesnila and Oliver Kempski
Role of aquaporins in the formation and resolution of brain edema / Beatriz Rodriguez-Grande, Jan-Pieter Konsman and Jérôme Badaut
Sur1-Tirpm4-promising target for brain edema treatment in brain edema / Sebastian Urday, Kevin N. Sheth and J. Marc Simard
Role of matrix metalloproteinsases in brain edema / Changjun Yang an Eduardo Candelario-Jalil
Edema and BBB beakdown in stroke / Kathleen E. Salmeron, Danielle N. Edwards, Justin F. Fraser and Gregory J. Bix
Brain edema formation in traumatic brain injury / Sighild Lemarchant and Jérôme Badaut
Spinal cord edema after spinal cord injury / Newton Cho, Laureen D. Hachem and Michael G. Fehlings
Brain edema in acute liver failure / Roger F. Butterworth
Blood-brain barrier and edema in brain tumors / Andreas F. Mack, Hartwig Wolburg and Petra Fallier-Becker
Water homeostasis dysfunction in epilepsy / Devin K. Binder
Water homeostasis dysfunctions and edema in neuroinflammatory disease / Klaus G. Petry and Andreas Bikfalvi
Experimental therapies for brain edema and intracranial hypertension / Katrin Rauen and Nikolaus Plesnila
Clinical monitoring of brain edema / Sandro M. Krieg and Sebastian Ille
Brain edema in developing brain diseases / Raffaella Moretti, Vibol Chhor, Luigi Titomanlio, Bobbi Fleiss
Cerebral edema in cerebrovascular diseases / Stephane Olindo and Igor Sibon
Traumatic brain injury and edema treatment / Klaus Zweckberger
Treatment of edema formation in oncology / Oliver Schnell and Jörg-Christian Tonn
Perspectives on future translational research on brain edema / J. Marc Simard, Jérôme Badaut and Nikolaus Plesnila.Digital Access ScienceDirect 2017 - BookT.C. Whitmore.Summary: This book provides an introduction to the world's tropical rain forests for a broad readership, describing their structure and functioning, their value to man and what he is doing to them. Examples are drawn from all parts of the humid tropic. Today there is more research being conducted in tropical rain forests than ever before. Some is driven by curiousity, some by desire to harness these forests to mankind's needs. The author addresses questions such as to what extent are there real differences between rain forests in different places, and what are the current frontiers of knowledge?, and is present-day concern about man's impacts on tropical rain forests justified? Previous books by T.C.Whitmore include "Tropical Rain Forest Ecology and Management" and "Rain Forest Regeneration and Management". Nielsen 9780198542742 20160527
Part 1 What are tropical rain forests?: forest maintenance - the growth cycle
floristics. Part 2 Plant life: climbers and epiphytes. Part 3 Rain forest animals: richness and diversity of animals
modes of co-existence. Part 4 Interconnections between plants and animals - the web of life: animals as pollinators
animals as dispersers
food webs, mobile links, and keystone species. Part 5 Tropical rain forests through time: palaecogeography
pleistocene refugia. Part 6 Forest dynamics: forest microclimates
growth and shade tolerance analysed
forest recovery after human disturbance. Part 7 Nutrients and their cycles: shifting agriculture
nutrient pools and cycles in primary rain forest
heath forest - a fragile ecosystem
the upper montane forest enigma. Part 8 Species richness: historical plant geography. Part 9 Tropical rain forests yesterday, today and tomorrow: indigenous cultures
the colonial era
genetic resource conservation.(Part contents). Nielsen 9780198542742 20160527Print 1990 - ArticleFrost F, Rahbek I, Rune SJ, Jensen KB, Gudmand-Hoyer E, Krag E, Rask-Madsen J, Wulff HR, Garbol J, Jensen KG, Hojlund M, Nissen VR.Br Med J. 1977 Sep 24;2(6090):795-7.Forty-five adult outpatients with endoscopically confirmed gastric ulceration completed a double-blind trial of either cimetidine (1 g/day) or placebo. After six weeks 18 of the 23 patients receiving cimetidine showed complete ulcer healing compared with only six of the 22 patients receiving placebo. The cimetidine group also had fewer days with pain than the placebo group but the difference was not statistically significant. Cimetidine therefore seems to promote healing of gastric ulcers without severe side effects, although its effect on pain is less pronounced than in patients with duodenal ulcers.