Book[edited by] Karen S. Rheuban, Elizabeth A. Krupinski.
History of telehealth / Thomas S. Nesbitt, Jana Katz-Bell
Workforce, telehealth definitions, and models / Karen S. Rheuban, Scott Shipman
Rural health / Katharine Hsu Wibberly
Integration of applications supporting seamless delivery of telehealth solutions / Elizabeth A. Krupinski
Telestroke / Andrew M. Southerland, Nina J. Solenski, Lee H. Schwamm
High-risk obstetrics and telehealth / Curtis Lowery
Teleophthalmology : future technologies for screening eye exams / Alice Yang Zhang, Christine Y. Yoon, Ingrid E. Zimmer-Galler
Adult emergency and critical care telehealth / H. Neal Reynolds, Marc T. Zubrow, Richard Alcorta, Neal Sikka
Teledermatology / Hon Pak, Ivy A. Lee, John D. Whited
Telepsychiatry / Maryann Waugh, Peter Yellowlees, Rachel Dixon, Jay H. Shore
Remote patient monitoring and care coordination / Amy L. Tucker
Rehabilitation / Trevor G. Russell, Deborah G. Theodoros
Pediatric emergency and critical care telemedicine / Alison L. Curfman, James P. Marcin
Child telepsychiatry / Peter Yellowlees, Maryann Waugh, Jay H. Shore
School and childcare center telemedicine / Neil E. Herendeen
Telemedicine in pediatric cardiology / Craig Sable
Telehealth in the care of children with special health care needs and medical complexity / Kathleen A. Webster
The dawn of direct-to-consumer telemedicine / Ateev Mehrotra, Lori Uscher-Pines, Michelle S. Lee
Telemedicine in the department of defense : a journey from the battlefield to stateside care / Ronald Poropatich, Charles Lappan, Gary Gilbert
International humanitarian outreach and telehealth / Dale C. Alverson
Patients, their physicians, and telemedicine / Jack Resneck, Jr., Sylvia J. Trujillo, Kristin Schleiter
The state policy framework of telehealth / Latoya S. Thomas
Medicare coverage and reimbursement policies / Gary Capistrant
Legal and regulatory issues / Nathaniel M. Lacktman.