Bookedited by David Blum, Luísa V. Lopes.
Adenosine receptor biology in the central nervous system / Michael Freissmuth and Karl-Norbert Klotz
Adenosine signaling throughout development / Stefania Zappettini and Christophe Bernard
Influence of adenosine on synaptic excitability / Detlev Boison, Raquel B. Dias, Traci Plumb, Sofia Cristóvão-Ferreira and Ana M. Sebastião
Regulation of synaptic transmission by adenosine at the neuromuscular junction / Paula Pousinha and Joaquim A. Ribeiro
Gene regulation of adenosine A₂a receptors in the central nervous system
Sleep, adenosine, and neurodegeneration / Theresa E. Bjorness and Robert W. Greene
National vs glial cell contribution to adenosine A₂a receptor-induced neurodegeneration / Antonella Ferrante, Maria T. Tebano, Alberto Martire, Maria R. Domenici and Patrizia Popoli
Adenosine and oxygen/glucose deprivation in the brain / Felicita Pedata, Ilaria Dettori, Irene Fusco, Elisabetta Coppi, Anna M. Pugliese and Alessia Melani
Adenosine receptors and memory disorders / Alexandre De Mendonca, David Blum and Jonathan D. Geiger
Control of motor function by adenosine A₂a receptors in Parkinson's and Huntington's disease / Annalisa Pinna, Jadwiga Wardas, Maria R. Domenici, Patrizia Popoli, Giovanni Cossu and Micaela Morelli
Adenosine receptors oligomers in Parkinson's disease / Víctor Fernández-Dueñas and Francisco Ciruela
Adenosine control of striatal function / Sergi Ferré.