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  • Journal
    Summary: An international, peer reviewed, open access journal focusing on viruses linked to tumors. All types of oncoviruses and basic virology, transmission, infection, and applied research are within the journal's scope. The journal recognizes the importance of research on resulting tumors, particularly the link between the viral agent and the carcinogenic process as well as immune responses as they relate to tumor development.
    Digital Access CINAHL v. 1-7, 2009-17.
  • Article
    Widgren S.
    Bull Schweiz Akad Med Wiss. 1977 May;33(1-3):67-73.
    Among the numerous modern methods at the disposal of pathologists, four techniques and their applications are demonstrated: 1. An enzymatic stain for macroscopic diagnosis of early myocardial infarcts. 2. Immuno-histochemistry in juvenile diabetes. 3. Electron microscopy in pulmonary hypertension in relationship with the intake of slimming pills. 4. X-ray micro-analysis in the the diagnosis of asbestosis. These various techniques are of great interest but can only be performed on fresh necropsy specimens taken early after death.
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