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- BookGiulio Agnetti, Merry L. Lindsey, D. Brian Foster, editors.Contents:
Introduction: why proteomic is important to you and the broad scientific community
State-of-the-Art in Cardiac Proteomics
Pitfalls to be avoided in experimental design
Proteomic workflow: one size does not fit all
Bottom-up Proteomics
Top-Down Proteomics
Targeted Proteomics
Data Analysis and Data Mining
Post-translational Modifications in the Cardiac Proteome
Taylored Approaches to Study Post-translational Modifications
Concluding Remarks: Proteomics AD 2025.Digital Access Springer 2016 - ArticleKottmann UR, Schniepp KE.Thoraxchir Vask Chir. 1977 Apr;25(2):123-5.We report on a case of a 62-years old woman with dextroposition of the aortic arch and an atresia of the left brachiocephalic truncus. In opposite to the varieties of the supraaortic vessels, which are in most cases occasionally seen, this patient suffered from cerebrovascular insufficiency and subclavian-steal-syndrome. We suppose, that this late manifestation of a variety of the aortic arch with an atresia of a great supraaortic vessel is caused by the brain's physiosclerosis. The correction was made by a 8 mm dacron prosthesis from the ascending aorta to the left subclavian-carotid junction.