BookSyed A. Abutalib, Jean M. Connors, Margaret V. Ragni, editors.
Part 1. Red Blood Cells
Evaluation of anemia in children and adults
Iron cycle and pathophysiology of iron homeostasis
Porphyrias: Diagnosis and management
Disorders of hemoglobin synthesis: Pathophysiology and diagnostic evaluation
Management of thalassemias
Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant in ss-thalassemia major
Sickle cell disease: Prevention of complications
Sickle cell disease: Management of complications
Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant in sickle cell disease
Anemia of inflammation
Iron overload: Diagnosis, complications and management
Megaloblastic and nutritional anemias
Sideroblastic anemias: Diagnosis and management
Primary autoimmune warm antibody hemolytic anemias
Intrinsic hemolytic anemias: Pathophysiology, diagnosis and management
Part 2. Platelets and Coagulation System
Platelet disorders: Diagnostic tests and their interpretations
Inherited platelet disorders: Diagnosis and management
Acquired platelet disorders: Diagnosis and management
Immune mediated thrombocytopenia
Coagulation cascade and fibrinolysis pathway: Assessment in the laboratory
Abnormalities in fibrinolysis pathway and clinical implications
Congenital disorders of fibrinogen: Clinical presentations, diagnosis and management
Hemophilias A and B: Diagnosis and management
Coagulation factor inhibitors: Diagnosis and management
Rare coagulation factor deficiencies: Diagnosis and management
von Willebrand disease: Differential diagnosis and diagnostic approach to specific subtypes
von Willebrand disease: Prevention of complications and management of the disease
Antifibrolytics: Indications and precautions
Gene therapy for bleeding disorders
Part 3. Coagulopathy in Systemic Diseases
Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
Coagulopathy in critically ill subjects
Trauma-associated coagulopathy
Coagulation related issues in malignant hematology: Diagnosis and management
Unmet clinical needs of antithrombotic treatment in BCR/ABL negative myeloproliferative neoplasms
Bleeding and thrombosis in a cancer patient
Management of surgical patient with thrombotic and bleeding diathesis
Part 3. Thrombosis and Therapeutics
Prevention and treatment of arterial thromboembolism
mes New Roman","serif"">Prevention of venous thromboembolism
Diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic challenges in venous thromboembolisim
Complications of venous thromboembolic disease
Hereditary thrombophilias: Pathophysiology, timing of testing and familiar testing
Anti-phospholipid antibodies and syndrome: Complexities in diagnosis and management
Unidentifiable thrombophilias
Anticoagulation drugs: Indications, therapeutic monitoring and antidotes
Heparin induced thrombocytopenia: Diagnosis and management
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and hemolytic uremic syndrome
Surgical treatment of thromboembolic disease
Part 4. Immune System and Related Disorders
Nonmalignant leukocyte disorders
Primary immunodeficiency disorders: Diagnosis and management
Disorders of phagocytic function: Diagnosis and treatment
Inherited bone marrow failure syndromes
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: Diagnosis and management challenges
Lysosomal storage disorders: Hematology perspective
Cryoglobulins and cryoglobulinemia
Part 5. Hemostasis and Thrombosis in Pregnancy, Newborn and Elderly
Reproductive issues in women with bleeding and thrombotic disorders
Pregnancy in subjects with hemoglobinopathies: Precautions and management
Neonatal thrombosis and coagulopathies
Bleeding and thrombosis in elderly
Part 6. Transfusion Medicine
Transfusion support: Indications, efficacy and complications
Human blood antigens and antibodies: Diagnostic and therapeutic implications
Therapeutic apheresis in hematologic disorders: When and Why?