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  • Book
    Syed A. Abutalib, Jean M. Connors, Margaret V. Ragni, editors.
    Part 1. Red Blood Cells
    Evaluation of anemia in children and adults
    Iron cycle and pathophysiology of iron homeostasis
    Porphyrias: Diagnosis and management
    Disorders of hemoglobin synthesis: Pathophysiology and diagnostic evaluation
    Management of thalassemias
    Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant in ss-thalassemia major
    Sickle cell disease: Prevention of complications
    Sickle cell disease: Management of complications
    Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant in sickle cell disease
    Anemia of inflammation
    Iron overload: Diagnosis, complications and management
    Megaloblastic and nutritional anemias
    Sideroblastic anemias: Diagnosis and management
    Primary autoimmune warm antibody hemolytic anemias
    Intrinsic hemolytic anemias: Pathophysiology, diagnosis and management
    Part 2. Platelets and Coagulation System
    Platelet disorders: Diagnostic tests and their interpretations
    Inherited platelet disorders: Diagnosis and management
    Acquired platelet disorders: Diagnosis and management
    Immune mediated thrombocytopenia
    Coagulation cascade and fibrinolysis pathway: Assessment in the laboratory
    Abnormalities in fibrinolysis pathway and clinical implications
    Congenital disorders of fibrinogen: Clinical presentations, diagnosis and management
    Hemophilias A and B: Diagnosis and management
    Coagulation factor inhibitors: Diagnosis and management
    Rare coagulation factor deficiencies: Diagnosis and management
    von Willebrand disease: Differential diagnosis and diagnostic approach to specific subtypes
    von Willebrand disease: Prevention of complications and management of the disease
    Antifibrolytics: Indications and precautions
    Gene therapy for bleeding disorders
    Part 3. Coagulopathy in Systemic Diseases
    Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
    Coagulopathy in critically ill subjects
    Trauma-associated coagulopathy
    Coagulation related issues in malignant hematology: Diagnosis and management
    Unmet clinical needs of antithrombotic treatment in BCR/ABL negative myeloproliferative neoplasms
    Bleeding and thrombosis in a cancer patient
    Management of surgical patient with thrombotic and bleeding diathesis
    Part 3. Thrombosis and Therapeutics
    Prevention and treatment of arterial thromboembolism
    mes New Roman","serif"">Prevention of venous thromboembolism
    Diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic challenges in venous thromboembolisim
    Complications of venous thromboembolic disease
    Hereditary thrombophilias: Pathophysiology, timing of testing and familiar testing
    Anti-phospholipid antibodies and syndrome: Complexities in diagnosis and management
    Unidentifiable thrombophilias
    Anticoagulation drugs: Indications, therapeutic monitoring and antidotes
    Heparin induced thrombocytopenia: Diagnosis and management
    Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and hemolytic uremic syndrome
    Surgical treatment of thromboembolic disease
    Part 4. Immune System and Related Disorders
    Nonmalignant leukocyte disorders
    Primary immunodeficiency disorders: Diagnosis and management
    Disorders of phagocytic function: Diagnosis and treatment
    Inherited bone marrow failure syndromes
    Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: Diagnosis and management challenges
    Lysosomal storage disorders: Hematology perspective
    Cryoglobulins and cryoglobulinemia
    Part 5. Hemostasis and Thrombosis in Pregnancy, Newborn and Elderly
    Reproductive issues in women with bleeding and thrombotic disorders
    Pregnancy in subjects with hemoglobinopathies: Precautions and management
    Neonatal thrombosis and coagulopathies
    Bleeding and thrombosis in elderly
    Part 6. Transfusion Medicine
    Transfusion support: Indications, efficacy and complications
    Human blood antigens and antibodies: Diagnostic and therapeutic implications
    Therapeutic apheresis in hematologic disorders: When and Why?
    Digital Access Springer 2016