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- Bookedited by Rosemary Crouch and Vivyan Alers.Contents:
Part 1. Theoretical Concepts in Occupational Therapy :
1. Creative Ability: A Model for Individual and Group Occupational Therapy for Clients with Psychosocial Dysfunction / Patricia de Witt
2. The Relevance of Occupational Science to Occupational Therapy in the Field of Mental Health / Lana van Niekerk
3. Ethics, Human Rights and the Law in Mental Health Care Practice / Dain van der Reyden and Rosemary Crouch
4. Cultural Considerations in the Provision of an Occupational Therapy Service in Mental Health / Rosemary Crouch
5. Clinical Reasoning in Psychiatric Occupational Therapy / Vivyan Alers
-- Part 2. Specific Issues in Occupational Therapy :
6. HIV/AIDS in Psychiatry and Issues Facing Occupational Therapists Regarding Practice: Moral and Ethical Dilemmas / Dain van der Reyden, Robin Joubert and Chantal Christopher
7. Forensic Psychiatry and Occupational Therapy / Michelle Moore
8. Acute Psychiatry and the Dynamic Short-Term Intervention of the Occupational Therapist / Catherine Shorten and Rosemary Crouch
9. Improving Health and Access to Health Services through Community-Based Rehabilitation / Stephanie Homer
10. Care, Treatment and Rehabilitation Programmes for Large Numbers of Long-Term Mental Health Care Users / Kobie Zietsman and Daleen Casteleijn
11. Auxiliary Staff in Mental Health Care: Requirements, Functions and Supervision / Dain van der Reyden
12. Vocational Rehabilitation in Psychiatry and Mental Health / Lyndsey Swart and Tania Buys
13. Psychiatric Occupational Therapy in the Corporate, Insurance and Medico-legal Sectors / Lee Randall
14. An Occupational Therapist's Perspective on Sexuality and Psychosocial Sexual Rehabilitation / Louise Fouché
-- Part 3. Occupational Therapy with Children, Adolescents and Adults :
15. Early Intervention for Young Children at Risk for Developmental Mental Health Disorders / Kerry Wallace
16. Occupational Therapy Intervention with Children with Psychosocial Disorders / Vivyan Alers
17. Interdisciplinary Group Therapy with Children / Marita Rademeyer and Deirdre Niehaus
18. Specific Occupational Therapy Intervention with Adolescents / Louise Fouché and Lisa Wegner
19. Sensory Integration in Mental Health / Annamarie van Jaarsveld
20. Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder through a Person's Lifespan: Occupational Therapy to Enhance Executive and Social Functioning / Ray Anne Cook
21. Trauma and Its Effects on Children, Adolescents and Adults: The Role of the Occupational Therapist / Vivyan Alers
22. Post-traumatic Brain Injury: Handling Behavioural and Cognitive Changes / Sylvia Birkhead
23. Occupational Therapy for Anxiety, Somatic and Stressor-related Disorders / Madeleine Duncanand Claire Prowse
24. Occupational Therapy with Mood Disorders / Madeleine Duncan and Claire Prowse
25. The Treatment of Eating Disorders in Occupational Therapy / Rosemary Crouch and Vivyan Alers
26. Understanding Persons with Personality Disorders: Intervention in Occupational Therapy / Ann Nott
27. The Occupational Therapy Approach to the Management of Schizophrenia / Rosemary Crouch
28. Substance Use and Abuse: Intervention by a Multidisciplinary Approach Which Includes Occupational Therapy / Rosemary Crouch and Lisa Wegner
29. Gerontology, Psychiatry and Occupational Therapy / Susan Beukes.Digital Access Wiley 2014 - ArticleBanks BE, Hendry IA, Khan AA.J Neurocytol. 1977 Apr;6(2):231-9.A computer program, written in standard Fortran, is given to facilitate the computation of the sizes and correct distribution of spheres from the number and size of the circular profiles observed in tissue sections. The method is particularly valuable in cases where it is necessary to determine absolute numbers of cells or subcellular fragments where the objects of interest are not of uniform size. The method gives true cell numbers and the distribution of the spherical diameters.