BookNiranjan Bhattacharya, Phillip G. Stubblefield, editors.
Part I. Introduction
Part II. Structural and functional fetal development up to second trimester
Part III. Gene and human fetal development up to second trimester
Part IV. Impact of stem cell on growth and development of human fetus
Part V. Fetal endocrine development up to second trimester
Part VI. Fetal immune development: up to second trimester
Part VII. Fetal hepatic development: up to second trimester
Part VIII. Fetal cardiovascular development: up to second trimester
Part IX. Fetal neurological development: up to second trimester and its implication in adult neurodegenerative diseases
Part X. Fetal neuropsychiatric development: up to second trimester
Part XI. Fetal nephrological development: up to second trimester
Part XII. Fetal haematological development
Part XIII. Pharmacological implication of fetal development: up to second trimester
Part XIV. Surgical implications of fetal development: up to second trimester
Part XV. Fetal growth and adult life implications
Part XVI. Understanding fetal growth from the perspective of alternative medicine
Part XVII. Miscellaneous
Part XVIII. Ethics and human fetal tissue research.