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- BookIstvan Sziklai, editor.Summary: This book provides the first comprehensive overview of the various conventional and cutting-edge surgical techniques for stapes fixations. After describing the broad range of stapes fixations, it discusses the preoperative diagnostic workup, with special emphasis on the role of CT scanning. It reviews stapedectomy and stapedotomy via the classic tympanotomy approach using different stapes footplate fenestration methodologies, and describes the increasingly popular technique of middle ear endoscopy. A subsequent chapter is devoted to the important topic of robot-assisted surgery. The book then reviews the evolution of the piston prosthesis, highlighting the practical aspects of the different types of piston, their benefits, and their impact on hearing. Lasers are also discussed, and the closing chapters focus on revision surgery and consider outcome measures following stapes surgery. To better illustrate the subject matter, the book features a wealth of photographs (including more than 50 in color), as well as in-depth surgical videos.
History of stapes surgery
Heterogeneity of stapes fixations
Preoperative examinations before surgery of stapes fixations. The role of CT in the diagnostics
Laser stapedotomy
Surgery of congenital stapes fixation
Intraoperative complications in stapedectomy/stapedotomy
Endoscopic stapes surgery
Robot assisted surgery of stapes fixations
Middle ear implantation in stapes fixation
Cochlear implantation and auditory brainstem implantation in advanced otosclerosis
Piston design for reconstruction of the ossicular chain
Revision stapes surgery
Outcome measures after stapes surgery.Digital Access Springer 2016 - ArticleKruseman AC, van Lent M, Blom AH, Lauw GP.Am J Clin Pathol. 1977 Mar;67(3):279-83.A case of metastic choriocarcinoma after term pregnancy, with tumor localization in the kidney of a hydropic stillborn infant, is presented. The primary tumor was found in a scraping four weeks after delivery. The identity and nature of the malignant growth in mother and child were substantiated by identical immunohistochemical patterns for gonadotropin activity. Because of a positive Kleihauer test it was assumed that massive feto-maternal transfusion had caused the hydrops and intrauterine death. Now, four and a half months after starting methotrexate therapy, the mother seems to be free of tumor. Plasma human chorionic gonadotropin titers have decreased to normal.