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  • Book
    Sudhansu Chokroverty, Michel Billiard, editors.
    I. Evolution of Sleep Medicine by Historical Periods
    Sleep in Ancient Egypt
    Sleep Medicine in the Arab Islamic Civilization
    Sleep Medicine in Ancient and Traditional India
    Sleep Medicine in Ancient and Traditional China
    Sleep in the Biblical Period
    Sleep in the New Testament
    The Greco-Roman Period
    The Aztec, Maya, and Inca Civilizations
    II. Sleep Medicine from the Medieval Period to the 19th Century
    Sleep Medicine in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
    Sleep in the 17th and 18th Centuries
    III. The Early Evolution of Modern Sleep Medicine
    The Evolution of Sleep Medicine in the 19th and the Early 20th Century
    The History of Polysomnography: Tool of Scientific Discovery
    IV. Sleep Medicine Societies, Professional Societies, and Journals
    A History Behind the Development of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Societies
    Development of Sleep Medicine in Europe
    Evolution of Sleep Medicine in Japan
    History of Japanese Clinical Sleep Medicine
    Sleep Medicine around the World (Beyond North American and European Continents)
    V. Sleep Disorders in Historic Diseases
    Encephalities Lethargica
    African Sleeping Sickness
    Sleep and HIV Disease
    VI. Historical Milestones of Individual Sleep Disorders
    Evolution of the Classification of Sleep Disorders
    History of Epidemiological Research in Sleep Medicine
    The Insomnias: Historical Evolution
    VII. Neurological Sleep Disorders
    Narcolepsy ? Cataplexy Syndrome and Symptomatic Hypersomnia
    Idiopathic Hypersomnia
    Kleine-Levin Syndrome
    Movement Disorders in Sleep
    History of Restless Legs Syndrome, Recently Named Willis-Ekbom Disease
    Sleep and Stroke
    Sleep in Neurodegenerative Diseases
    Sleep, Cognitive Dysfunction, and Dementia
    Fatal Familial Insomnia and Agrypnia Excitata: Insights into Human Prion Disease Genetics and the Anatomo-Physiology of Wake and Sleep Behaviours
    Epilepsy and Sleep
    Sleep Disorders after Traumatic Brain Injury: Milestones in Perspective
    Headache Syndromes and Sleep
    VIII. Psychiatric and Psychological Sleep Disorders
    Schizophrenia and Psychosis
    Bipolar Disorder
    IX. Respiratory Diseases
    A Short History of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
    Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome: A Short History
    Restrictive and Obstructive Lung Diseases and Sleep Disorders
    NREM Arousal Parasomnias
    REM Sleep Behavior Disorder
    Chronobiology and Sleep
    X. Medical Disorders and Sleep
    Cardiovascular Disease and Sleep Dysfunction
    Nonrestorative Sleep, Musculoskeletal Pain, Fatigue in Rheumatic Disorders and Allied Syndromes: A Historical Perspective
    Sleep and Pain: Milestones and Advances from Research
    Endocrine-Metabolic Disorders and Sleep Medicine
    The Gut and Sleep
    Impotence and Erectile Problems in Sleep Medicine
    Women?s Health and Sleep Disorders
    XI. Miscellaneous Important Aspects
    The Emergence of Pediatric Sleep Medicine
    Sleep Disorders, Cognition, Accidents, and Performance
    Sleep Deprivation: Societal Impact and Long Term Consequences
    Sleep Models
    XII. Evolution of Treatment and Investigative Approaches in Sleep Medicine
    A History of Non-Pharmacological Treatments for Insomnia
    The Pharmacological Treatment of Sleep Disorders
    Psychological Treatment of Insomnia: The Evolution of Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy
    Modafinil: Development and Use of the Compound
    Phylogeny in Sleep Medicine
    Gamma-Hyroxybutyrate (Sodium Oxybate): From the Initial Synthesis to the Treatment of Narcolepsy Cataplexy and Beyond
    Development and Impact of Brain Imaging Techniques.
    Digital Access Springer 2015