Bookvolume editors, W.P. Kaschka, D. Rujescu.
Global suicide / Varnik, P.; Wasserman, D
Suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and completed suicide in adolescents : neurobiological aspects / Sarchiapone, M.; D'Aulerio, M.; Iosue, M
Serotonergic and noradrenergic neurotransmitter systems in suicide / Dwivedi, Y
GABA, depression and suicide / Pabba, M.; Sibille, E
Genetics of suicidal behavior / Giegling, I.; Rujescu, D
Gene-environment interaction studies in suicidal behaviour / Mandelli, L.; Serretti, A
Epigenetics of suicidal behaviour / Turecki, G
Neurocognitive processes and decision making in suicidal behaviour / Richard-Devantoy, S.; Courtet, P
Electroencephalographic risk markers of suicidal behaviour / Hodgkinson, S.; Steyer, J.; Kaschka, W.P.; Jandl, M
Neuroimaging of suicidal behavior / Jollant, F
Inflammation and suicidal behavior / Postolache, T.T.; Manalai, P.; Brenner, L.A.; Brundin, L
The contributions of lithium and clozapine for the prophylaxis and treatment of suicidal behavior / Müller-Oerlinghausen, B.; Lewitzka, U
Challenges for future research and closing remarks / Rujescu, D.; Kaschka, I.N.; Kaschka, W.P.