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- Bookedited by Jan Michiels and Maarten Fauvart.Contents:
Historical perspective on bacterial persistence / Natalie Verstraeten ... [et al.]
Persisters : methods for isolation and identifying contributing factors-a review / Sarah E. Rowe ... [et al.]
General method for measuring persister levels in Escherichia coli cultures / Niilo Kaldalu ... [et al.]
Optimized method for measuring persistence in Escherichia coli with improved reproducibility / F. Goormaghtigh and L. Van Melderen
Microplate-based system as in vitro model of biofilm growth and quantification / Ilse Vandecandelaere, Heleen Van Acker, and Tom Coenye
Protocol for determination of the persister subpopulation in Candida Albicans biofilms / Katrijn De Brucker ... [et al.]
Quantitative measurements of type I and type II persisters using ScanLag / Irit Levin-Reisman and Nathalie Q. Balaban
Analyzing persister physiology with fluorescence-activated cell sorting / Mehmet A. Orman ... [et al.]
Single-cell detection and collection of persister bacteria in a directly accessible femtoliter droplet array / Ryota Iino ... [et al.]
Whole-cell-based high-throughput screening method to identify molecules targeting Pseudomonas Aeruginosa persister cells / Veerle Liebens, Valerie Defraine, and Maarten Fauvart
Functional analysis of the role of toxin-antitoxin (TA) loci in bacterial persistence / Aaron T. Butt and Richard W. Titball
Experimental evolution of Escherichia coli persister levels using cyclic antibiotic treatments / Bram Van den Bergh, Joran E. Michiels, and Jan Michiels
In vitro models for the study of the intracellular activity of antibiotics / Julien M. Buyck ... [et al.]
Murine model for Escherichia coli urinary tract infection / Thomas J. Hannan and David A. Hunstad
Analysis of macrophage-induced Salmonella persisters / Robert A. Fisher, Angela M. Cheverton, and Sophie Helaine
Population dynamics analysis of ciprofloxacin-persistent S. Typhimurium cells in a mouse model for Salmonella diarrhea / Patrick Kaiser, Roland R. Regoes, and Wolf-Dietrich Hardt
Computational methods to model persistence / Alexandra Vandervelde ... [et al.].Digital Access Springer 2016 - ArticleLechner AJ.Comp Biochem Physiol B. 1978;61(1):73-6.1. Hemoglobin phenotypes have been determined for closely related pocket gopher subspecies in the genus Thomomys from sea level and high altitude. 2. A single hemoglobin band was demonstrated for each gopher population with cellulose acetate membrane electrophoresis, with a mobility of 73% relative to human Hb-A. 3. Using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, a major Hb component (94% of the total Hb) showed a relative mobility of 68-69%; the minor Hb component showed a relative mobility of 74-75%. 4. The electrophoretic and physiological similarities of the gopher hemoglobins have persisted despite extreme differences in ambient PO2 in the habitats of each subspecies.