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  • Book
    edited by Lorenza Trabalzini, Saverio Francesco Retta.
    The Ras superfamily of small GTPases : the unlocked secrets / Luca Goitre [and three others]
    A novel method for the production of fully modified K-Ras 4B / Tanmay S. Chavan [and four others]
    Metabolic labeling of Ras with tritiated palmitate to monitor palmitoylation and depalmitoylation / Frederick D. Tsai [and three others]
    Ubiquitination of Rac1 by inhibitors of apoptosis (IAPs) / Tripat Kaur Oberoi-Khanuja and Krishnaraj Rajalingam
    Ras GTPases are both regulators and effectors of redox agents / Elisa Ferro [and four others]
    Biophysical and proteomic characterization strategies for cysteine modifications in Ras GTPases / G. Aaron Hobbs, Harsha P. Gunawardena, and Sharon L. Campbell
    Use of the yeast two-hybrid technology to isolate molecular interactions of Ras GTPases / Elisa Ferro, Eva Baldini, and Lorenza Trabalzini
    Screening for MAPK modulators using an In-Cell Western assay / Simon Schnaiter [and seven others]
    Behavioral methods for the study of the Ras-ERK pathway in memory formation and consolidation : passive avoidance and novel object recognition tests / Raffaele d'Isa, Riccardo Brambilla, and Stefania Fasano
    Functional phosphoproteomics of oncogenic KRAS signaling / Putty-Reddy Sudhir and Jeou-Yuan Chen
    Pull-down assay for analysis of integrin-mediated activation of Rap proteins in adherent platelets / Gianni Francesco Guidetti and Mauro Torti
    Combined pulldown and time-lapse microscopy studies for determining the role of Rap1 in the crosstalk between integrins and cadherins / Luca Goitre and Saverio Francesco Retta
    Fluorescence microscopy study of Rap1 subcellular localization / Luca Goitre, Valentina Cutano, and Saverio Francesco Retta
    An in vitro system to evaluate the scaffold function of the RalA effector protein RalBP1 / David F. Kashatus
    Analysis of the Rit subfamily GTPase-mediated signaling and neuronal differentiation and survival / Geng-Xian Shi and Catherine N. Kaminski
    Immunofluorescence methods in studies of the GTPase Ran and its effectors in interphase and in mitotic cells / Giulia Guarguaglini, Valeria de Turris, and Patrizia Lavia
    High-resolution scanning electron microscopy for the imaging of nuclear pore complexes and Ran-mediated transport / Lihi Shaulov, Boris Fichtman, and Amnon Harel
    Effector recruitment method to study spatially regulated activation of Ras and Rho GTPases / Lauren P. Huff, Molly J. DeCristo, and Adrienne D. Cox
    Real-time visualization and quantification of native Ras activation in single living cells / Christoph Biskup and Ignacio Rubio
    Nanoclustering and heterogeneous membrane diffusion of Ras studied by FRAP and RICS analysis / Camilo Guzmâan, Maja éSolman, and Daniel Abankwa
    Analyzing the roles of Rho GTPases in cancer cell migration with a live cell imaging 3D-morphology-based assay / Audrey Colomba and Anne J. Ridley
    Analysis of Rho GTPase-induced localization of nanoscale adhesions using fluorescence nanoscopy / Annica K.B. Gad [and three others]
    Yeast as a model for Ras signalling / Renata Tisi, Fiorella Belotti, and Enzo Martegani
    Methods to study the Ras2 protein activation state and the subcellular localization of Ras-GTP in Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Sonia Colombo and Enzo Martegani
    Ras proteins signaling in the early metazoan Dictyostelium discoideum / Enrico Bracco and Barbara Pergolizzi.
    Digital Access Springer 2014