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  • Book
    editors, Timothy G. Murray, H. Culver Boldt.
    Ocular melanoma: advances in diagnostic and therapeutic strategies / Timothy G. Murray & H. Culver Boldt
    Laboratory discoveries in uveal melanoma / Aart G. Jochemsen & Martine J. Jager --Incidence, prevalence and epidemiology of ocular melanoma / Tero Kivelä
    Clinical features and diagnosis / Katrina Mears & H. Culver Boldt
    Diagnostic imaging in ocular melanoma / Timothy G. Murray, Fiona J. Ehlies, Andrea Wildner & Aaron S. Gold
    Genetics of ocular melanoma and implications for patient risk / Bertil Damato & Sarah E. Coupland
    Biopsy approaches and testing strategies for genomic prognostication / Carlos A. Medina & Arun D. Singh
    Preoperative clinical evaluation and imaging for uveal melanoma / Sohpie Piperno-Neumann, Vincent Servois, Pascale Mariani & Laurence Desjardins
    Regional anesthesia for surgical management of ocular melanoma / Jacqueline Tutiven & Michael Vigoda
    Enucleation surgery in advanced ocular disease / Daniel Gologorsky & Timothy G. Murray
    Brachytherapy for uveal melanoma / Samuel K. Houston 3rd, H. Culver Boldt & Timothy G. Murray
    Charged particle radiotherapy for ocular melanoma / Ivana K. Kim, Anne Marie Lane, Helen A. Shih & Evangelos S. Gragoudas
    Adjunctive treatment strategies for high-risk ocular melanoma / Sapna P. Patel & Dan S. Gombos
    Treatment strategies for clinically detectable metastatic uveal melanoma / Aakanksha Prasad Asija, Makoto Yoshida & Takami Sato
    Surveillance for early detection of metastatic ocular melanoma following definitive local therapy / Jasmine H. Francis, Tero Kivelä & Richard D. Carvajal
    Ophthalmic screening for postradiotherapy complications: implications for treatment and visual outcomes / Samuel K. Houston 3rd, Nisha Shah & Timothy G. Murray
    Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study: overview of outcomes / Barbara S. Hawkins
    Surgical management of radiation-related complications / Samuel K. Houstin 3rd & Timothy G. Murray
    Visual rehabilitation for ocular melanoma / Aaron S. Gold, Azeema Latiff & Timothy G. Murray
    Digital Access TandFonline 2014
  • Article
    Zangemeister WH, Bock O.
    Laryngol Rhinol Otol (Stuttg). 1979 Apr;58(4):328-35.
    The intersaccadic interval analysis of vestibular nystagmus was proposed by Cheng et al. in 1974. This method gives a statistical and sequential description of intersaccadic intervals. Until now there were no reports concerning the clinical diagnostic relevance of this method in vestibular disturbancies. Therefore, we checked 8 normal probands and 7 patients (3 peripheral, 3 central vestibular lesions, one congenital nystagmus). Compared to common nystagmus parameters like maximum speed of slow phase or minimum frequency normal probands showed a relatively high variability, as well as the patients - excluding congenital nystagmus. The maximum of intersaccadic intervals of the latter was very marked between 0,9 and 1,0 seconds. In the other cases the normally monomodal distributed maxima were between 0,2 and 0,6 sec. A multimodal distribution, as described by Cheng et al. in 1974, were to be found very seldomly. The comparison of intersaccadic interval analysis with the common nystagmus parameters showed, that in clinical diagnostic this method should not be too necessary. However, regarding scientific research - including mathematical models of vestibular nystagmus - the intersaccadic interval analysis could be useful.
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