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- Bookvolume editors, Anatoliy I. Yashin, Durham, NC, Michal Jazwinsk, New Orleans, La.Contents:
Introduction to the theory of aging networks / Witten, T.M.
Applications to aging networks / Wimble, C., Witten, T.M.
Computational systems biology for aging research / Auley, M.T., Mooney, K.M.
How does the body know how old it is? Introducing the epigenetic clock hypothesis / Mitteldorf, J.
The great evolutionary divide : two genomic systems biologies of aging / Rose, M.R., Cabral, I.G., Philips, M.A., Rutledge, G.A., Phung, K.H., Mueller, L.D., Greer, L.F.
Development and aging : two opposite but complementary phenomena / Feltes, B.C., De Faria Poloni, J., Bonatto, D.
Aging as a process of deficit accumulation : its utility and origin / Mitnitski, A., Rockwood, K.
Low-grade systemic inflammation connects aging, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease / Guarner, V., Rubio-Ruiz, M.E.
Modulating mTOR in aging and health / Johnson, S.C., Sangesland, M., Kaeberlein, M., Rabinovitch, P.
Melatonin and circadian oscillators in aging : a dynamic approach to the multiply connected players / Hardeland, R.
Diet-microbiota-health interactions in older subjects : implications for healthy aging / Lynch, D.B., Jeffery, I.B., Cusack, S., O'Connor, E.M., O'Toole, P.W.
Systems biology approaches in aging research / Chauhan, A., Liebal, U.W., Vera, J., Baltrusch, S., Junghanss, C., Tiedge, M., Fuellen, G., Wolkenhauer, O., Köhling, R.
Conservative growth hormone/IGF-1 and mTOR signaling pathways as a target for aging and cancer prevention : do we really have an antiaging drug? / Anisimov, V.N.Digital Access Karger 2015 - ArticleTurpen JB, Turpen CJ, Flajnik M.Dev Biol. 1979 Apr;69(2):466-79.