BookConstantine P. Karakousis.
Surgical Technique in Cancer Surgery
Intraoperative Lymphatic Mapping/Sentinel Lymphadenectomy
Tumor in the Hand
Tumor in the Wrist
Tumor in the Ventral Aspect of the Forearm
Tumor in the Dorsal Aspect of the Forearm
Tumor in the Anterior Compartment of the Arm
Tumor in the Dorsal Aspect of the Arm
Tumor in the Medial Arm
Axillary Node Dissection
In Continuity Axillary and Supraclavicular Node Dissection
Neck Dissection
Tumor at the Shoulder Point
Tumor in the Neck
Shoulder Disarticulation
Forequarter Amputation
Tumor in the Back
Chest Wall Tumors
Tumor in the Lower Chest Wall and Upper Abdomen
Involvement of the Abdominal Wall by Tumor
One-Layer Closure of the Abdominal Wall
Midline Abdominal Wall Gaps and Incisional Hernia
Regional Chemotherapy Infusion Via the Hepatic Artery
Peritoneolysis in the Reconstruction of a Roux-en-Y Loop
Hilar Hepatojejunostomy
Hepatic Resection
Distal Pancreatectomy
Colonic Interposition for Esophageal Replacement
Ileal Loop Bladder-Interposition Conduit
Resection of Mesenteric Tumors
Dissection in the Bowel Mesentery and Its Clinical Applications
Retroperitoneal Node Dissection
Retroperitoneal Sarcomas
Tumor in the Lesser Sac
Tumor in the Right Abdomen
Tumor in the Left Abdomen
The T or L Incision in Resection of Tumors of the Pelvis
Groin Dissection
Abdominoinguinal Incision in the Resection of Pelvic Tumors and Limb Salvage
Resection of Pelvic Tumors with Visceral Involvement
Internal Hemipelvectomy
The Surgical Importance of the Inferior Epigastric Vessels
Sacral Resection
Tumor in the Buttock Area
Tumor in the Anterior Thigh
Tumor in the Medial Thigh
Tumor in the Posterior Thigh
Popliteal Node Dissection
Tumor in the Leg
Tumor in the Foot
Hip Disarticulation
Hemipelvectomy (Hindquarter Amputation)
Variants of Hemipelvectomy
Central Venous Access
Resection of Tumors of the Ischiorectal Fossa.