BookAnnemarie Surlykke, Paul E. Nachtigall, Richard R. Fay, Arthur N. Popper, editors.
1. Biosonar of Bats and Toothed Whales: An Overview / Annemarie Surlykke and Paul E. Nachtigall
2. Sonar Signals of Bats and Toothed Whales / Brock (M. B.) Fenton, Frants H. Jensen, Elisabeth K. V. Kalko, and Peter L. Tyack
3. Production of Biosonar Signals: Structure and Form / Whitlow W. L. Au and Roderick A. Suthers
4. Sound Intensities of Biosonar Signals from Bats and Toothed Whales / Magnus Wahlberg and Annemarie Surlykke
5. Hearing During Echolocation in Whales and Bats / Paul E. Nachtigall and Gerd Schuller
6. Localization and Classification of Targets by Echolocating Bats and Dolphins / James A. Simmons, Dorian Houser, and Laura Kloepper
7. On-Animal Methods for Studying Echolocation in Free-Ranging Animals / Mark Johnson
8. Analysis of Natural Scenes by Echolocation in Bats and Dolphins / Cynthia F. Moss, Chen Chiu, and Patrick W. Moore
9. Echolocation in Air and Water / Peter Teglberg Madsen and Annemarie Surlykke.