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  • Book
    Chirukandath Gopinath, Vasanthi Mowat.
    Summary: "This atlas contains more than 700 illustrations that the authors have collected over the years as well as references and information pertaining to recently developed drug classes, including biologics. It is a useful bench reference for practicing pathologists and may also be used as a reference text by other experts from related fields. The atlas is organised into different chapters based on systemic pathology. Each chapter has illustrations with legends, and the atlas includes some rare examples of unique lesions found during toxicity studies over many years."--Publisher's website.

    1. The cardiovascular system
    2. The respiratory system
    3. The liver
    4. The alimentary system and pancreas
    5. The urinary system
    6. The male reproductive system
    7. The female reproductive system
    8. The endocrine system
    9. The lymphoid system
    10. The nervous system
    11. The musculoskeletal system and skin
    12. The eye and ear
    Digital Access Springer 2014