BookAdina Kalet, Calvin L. Chou, editors.
Defining and Assessing Competence
An Example of a Remediation Program
'She Needs to Read More': Helping trainees who struggle with medical knowledge
Remediation of Interpersonal and Communication Skills
Remediation of Physical Exam Skills
Assessing and Remediating Clinical Reasoning
Remediating Lapses in Professionalism
'You said, I heard': Speaking the subtext in interracial conversations
Learning Differences and Medical Education
'Well, This Is Awkward': Autism Spectrum Disorder in Medical Trainees
Stress and Distress and Wellness
Perspectives from a Psychiatrist in an Office of Advising Resources
The Metacognitive Competency: The key to life-long learning
Use of Reflection as a Remediation Tool
Appreciative Coaching: A positive process for remediation
Preparing Program Directors to Address Unprofessional Behavior
The View from the Dean's Office
Preparing to Conduct Remediation
'The Prognosis is Poor': When to give up
A Research Agenda for the Field of Remediation
Epilogue: A Student's Perspective on Remediation.