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  • Book
    Daniela Cristina Stefan, Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo, editors.
    Summary: Typically, manuals of pediatric hematology-oncology are written by specialists from high-income countries, and usually target an audience with a sub-specialist level of training, often assisted by cutting-edge diagnostic and treatment facilities. However, approximately 80% of new cases of cancer in children appear in mid- and low-income countries. Almost invariably, general practitioners or general pediatricians without special training in oncology will look after children with malignancies who enter the health care system in these countries. The diagnostic facilities are usually limited, as are the treatment options. The survival figures in these conditions are somewhere below 20%, while in high-income countries they are in the range of 80% for many childhood cancers. Pediatric Hematology-Oncology in Countries with Limited Resources is the only book of its kind to provide specific guidance applicable to limited resource settings and builds up from the foundation of general practitioner or general pediatrician competence. Written and edited by leaders in the field, this manual educates physicians on the essential components of the discipline, filtered through the experience of specialists from developing countries, with immediate applicability in the specific healthcare environment in these countries.

    Childhood Cancer in Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries in the Twenty-First Century
    Cancer Registries and the Descriptive Epidemiology of Pediatric Cancer in Low
    and Middle-Income Countries
    The Role of International Organizations on Collaborationfor Global Pediatric Cancer Control
    The Role of Twinning Programs and Telemedicine in Pediatric Oncology
    Pediatric Cancer Units and Optimization of Resources
    Early Warning Signs of Cancer in Children/Models for Early Diagnosis
    Care and Prevention of Infection
    Nutritional Assessment and Intervention
    Oncologic Emergencies
    Essential Medicines and Pharmacy Services
    Palliative and Supportive Care
    Psycho-Social Aspects/Parent Support Groups
    Nursing Care of Children with Cancer
    Paediatric Radiotherapy
    Procedures in Pediatric Oncology: Practical Guidelines
    Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
    Acute Myeloid Leukemia
    Hodgkin Lymphoma
    Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
    Soft Tissue Sarcomas
    Bone Tumors
    Paediatric Neuro-Oncology
    HIV and Malignancy in Children
    Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant.
    Digital Access Springer 2014
  • Article
    Aumiller J.
    MMW Munch Med Wochenschr. 1978 Apr 28;720(17):581.
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