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- ArticleKhedr Y, Rostron E, Vize C.PLoS One. 2023;18(12):e0288856.PURPOSE: To determine the optimum angle for placement of Lester Jones lacrimal bypass tube using fixed radiological markers on CT scan head with axial and coronal cuts, as well as analysing the anatomical variation and range of angulation between individuals within our local population.
METHODS: A retrospective radiological study conducted on a randomly selected sample of 384 adult patients in a UK Teaching Hospital. The angle between the medial canthus and the middle turbinate was measured on CT scans of the head using fixed radiological anatomical landmarks and analysed using the IMPAX software. Patients with orbital or nasal fractures, as well as those with history of surgical procedures involving the facial bones, were excluded. The accuracy of our measurements was validated using three dimensional (3D) CT head reconstruction technology.
RESULTS: Analysis of the results showed a range of angulation between 28-45 degrees, with a mean angle of 36.99 ± 4.78 SD. There was no significant correlation found when comparing the different age groups using the One Way ANOVA test. Furthermore, a non-significant correlation was found between males and females when their mean angles were compared using the independent t-test.
CONCLUSION: Our study showed that the ideal angle for insertion of Lester Jones tube would be between 30-45 degrees, with a mean of 37 degrees. No significant correlation was found between the age of the patient and the ideal angle of insertion of Lester Jones tube. Moreover, no significant difference was found in the angle measurements between males and females. - BookMark F. Sherman, author ; with contributions by Seth L. Sherman.Summary: This handbook presents a concise, practical approach to the physical examination and diagnosis of acute injuries of the knee. While radiological diagnostic tools like CT and MRI are important tools for orthopedic and sports medicine injuries, the skills of history taking and an accurate physical exam are no less important in educated decision-making when it comes to injury management. The goal of this book is to make it easier for a beginning knee practitioner to take an educated history and then perform a thorough physical examination. This will invariably steer them to the course of the correct diagnosis. The focus here is on a consistent and thorough examination, including taking a full history of the injury, utilizing common physical tests, and limiting differential diagnoses. To this end, the book opens with a review of these general considerations. Subsequent chapters discuss these considerations across a number of acute knee injuries to the patella, ACL, MCL, PCL, meniscus, and multiligamentous and extensor mechanism injuries and conditions. Additional chapters describe osteochondral injuries and mimickers such as PVNS and tumors. Video clips demonstrating examination techniques are included throughout the text. While The Acute Knee is aimed primarily at younger practitioners, it is an excellent resource for any orthopedic surgeon or sports medicine physicians looking to refamiliarize themselves with the "lost art" of physical examination for the acute knee.
Reviews of This Book
1: General Considerations
1.1 The History
1.2 The Physical Examination
1.3 Treatment Considerations
1.3.1 Early Care (First Visit)
1.3.2 Second Visit
2: Acute Patella Injury
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Acute Patella Dislocation
2.2.1 History How Did You Hurt Your Knee? Was It a Fall? Did You Twist Your Knee? Did You Hear a Pop or a Snap? Did Your Kneecap Feel Like It Popped Out of Place? Were You Able to Continue Your Activity? When Did the Knee Swell? Did This Ever Happen to You Before? Did Your Other Knee Ever Pop Out of Socket? Did Anyone Else in Your Family Ever Dislocate Their Patellae?
2.2.2 Physical Examination Examine the Unaffected Knee (See Video 1.3, Chap. 1 and Table 2.1) Examine the Injured Knee
The Apprehension Test (Video 2.1)
2.2.3 Treatment Plan Early Care Second Visit
2.2.4 Factors Influencing Your Decision-Making Predisposing Factors
Activity Level
Family History/Bilateral
Associated Injury
2.2.5 Differential Diagnosis of an Acute Patella Dislocation
2.2.6 Treatment Recommendation
2.3 Acute Patella Subluxation
2.3.1 History
2.3.2 Physical Examination (See Table 2.2)
2.3.3 Treatment Plan Early Care Second Visit and Treatment Recommendation
3: Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Injury
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The History
3.2.1 How Did You Get Hurt?
3.2.2 Did You Hear a Pop? 3.2.3 Were You Able to Continue Your Sport or Activity?
3.2.4 When Did the Knee Swell?
3.2.5 Were You Treated for the Injury?
3.2.6 Did You Ever Hurt This Knee Before?
3.3 Physical Examination
3.3.1 Observation
3.3.2 Palpation
3.3.3 Valgus Stress Testing (Video 3.1)
3.4 Differential Diagnosis
3.5 Treatment
3.5.1 Early Care
3.5.2 Second Visit and Treatment Plan
4: Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The History 4.2.1 How Did You Hurt Your Knee? Was It a Twist or Direct Fall? Did You Hear a Pop? Could You Continue Your Activity? Did You Need Help Tin Getting Up? Were You Able to Walk On It? If Yes, How Did It Feel? Wobbly?
4.2.2 Did your Knee Swell? When?
4.2.3 Have You Ever Hurt Your Knee Before?
4.2.4 Are You Active in Sports? What Do You Play? How Often?
4.2.5 What Type of Work Do You Do?
4.2.6 Have You Hurt Your Other Knee? Anyone Else in Your Family Hurt Their Knee?
4.2.7 What Level of School Are You In?
4.3 Physical Exam
4.3.1 Observation