BookDavid J. Dabbs.
Summary: "Written with useful practicality in mind, Breast Pathology, 3rd Edition, provides surgical pathologists with authoritative guidance on the selection and best use of proper diagnostic techniques when reporting on breast specimens. Dr. David J. Dabbs and a team of internationally acclaimed pathologists incorporate genomic and molecular information, gross and microscopic findings, radiologic and laboratory diagnosis, theranostics, and immunohistochemistry to cover every aspect of benign and malignant lesions of the breast, helping you minimize diagnostic variation and error in the sign-out room"-- Provided by publisher.
Breast Development, Physiology, and Histology
Reactive and Inflammatory Conditions of the Breast
Infections of the Breast
Epidemiology of Breast Cancer
Patient Safety in Breast Pathology
Gross Examination of Breast Specimens
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
Breast Imaging Modalities for Pathologists
Predictive and Prognostic Marker Testing in Breast Pathology: Immunophenotypic Subclasses of Disease
Molecular-Based Testing in Breast Disease for Therapeutic Decisions
Diagnostic Immunohistology of the Breast
Fibroepithelial Lesions
Papilloma and Papillary Lesions
Adenosis and Microglandular Adenosis
Nipple Adenoma (Florid Papillomatosis of the Nipple)
Radial Scar
Myoepithelial Lesions of the Breast
Fibrocystic Change and Usual Epithelial Hyperplasia of Ductal Type Fibrocystic Change
Columnar Cell Change, Flat Epithelial Atypia, and Atypical Ductal Epithelial Hyperplasia
Molecular Classification of Breast Carcinoma
Lobular Neoplasia and Invasive Lobular Carcinoma
Ductal Carcinoma In Situ
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of No Special Type and Histological Grade
Triple-Negative and Basal-like Carcinoma
Metaplastic Breast Carcinoma
Apocrine Carcinoma of the Breast
Paget's Disease of the Breast
Pathology of Neoadjuvant Therapeutic Response of Breast Carcinoma
Special Types of Invasive Breast Carcinoma: Tubular Carcinoma, Cribriform Carcinoma, Mucinous Carcinoma, Micropapillary Carcinoma
Rare Breast Carcinomas: Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma, Neuroendocrine Carcinoma, Secretory Carcinoma, Carcinoma With Osteoclast-like Giant Cells, Lipid-Rich Carcinoma, and Glycogen-Rich Clear Cell Carcinoma
Mesenchymal Tumors of the Breast
Neoplasia of the Male Breast
Breast Tumors in Children and Adolescents
Hematolymphoid Tumors of the Breast
Metastatic Tumors in the Breast
Next-Generation Sequencing and the Management of Patients With Clinically Advanced Breast Cancer.