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  • Article
    Hangartner SB, Hoffmann AA, Smith A, Griffin PC.
    Sci Data. 2015 Nov 24;2:150067.
    The Australian Drosophila Ecology and Evolution Resource (ADEER) collates Australian datasets on drosophilid flies, which are aimed at investigating questions around climate adaptation, species distribution limits and population genetics. Australian drosophilid species are diverse in climatic tolerance, geographic distribution and behaviour. Many species are restricted to the tropics, a few are temperate specialists, and some have broad distributions across climatic regions. Whereas some species show adaptability to climate changes through genetic and plastic changes, other species have limited adaptive capacity. This knowledge has been used to identify traits and genetic polymorphisms involved in climate change adaptation and build predictive models of responses to climate change. ADEER brings together 103 datasets from 39 studies published between 1982-2013 in a single online resource. All datasets can be downloaded freely in full, along with maps and other visualisations. These historical datasets are preserved for future studies, which will be especially useful for assessing climate-related changes over time.
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    Rice DB, Thombs BD.
    PLoS One. 2016;11(2):e0150067.
    BACKGROUND: Depression screening can improve upon usual care only if screening tools accurately identify depressed patients who would not otherwise be recognized by healthcare providers. Inclusion of patients already being treated for depression in studies of screening tool accuracy would inflate estimates of screening accuracy and yield. The present study investigated (1) the proportion of primary studies of depression screening tool accuracy that were recently published in journals listed in MEDLINE, which appropriately excluded currently diagnosed or treated patients; and (2) whether recently published meta-analyses identified the inclusion of currently diagnosed or treated patients as a potential source of bias.
    METHODS: MEDLINE was searched from January 1, 2013 through March 27, 2015 for primary studies and meta-analyses on depression screening tool accuracy.
    RESULTS: Only 5 of 89 (5.6%) primary studies excluded currently diagnosed or treated patients from any analyses and only 3 (3.4%) from main analyses. In 3 studies that reported the number of patients excluded due to current treatment, the number of excluded patients was more than twice the number of newly identified depression cases. None of 5 meta-analyses identified the inclusion of currently diagnosed and treated patients as a potential source of bias.
    CONCLUSIONS: The inclusion of currently diagnosed and treated patients in studies of depression screening tool accuracy is a problem that limits the applicability of research findings for actual clinical practice. Studies are needed that evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of depression screening tools among only untreated patients who would potentially be screened in practice.
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    Elkayar K, Park JA, Pineda M, Westlund P, Yargeau V.
    Sci Total Environ. 2022 Jan 15;804:150067.
    Pharmaceuticals and personal care products, antibiotics, estrogens, and antiandrogens are found widely in aquatic environments. Monitoring studies by sampling surface water and effluents of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have been conducted recently to monitor antiandrogens, which, along with estrogens, cause endocrine disruption. However, few studies have investigated antiandrogenic activity (AA) combined with a chemical analyses of emerging antiandrogens. Therefore, we analyzed the presence and persistence of 12 types of antiandrogens, atrazine, and carbamazepine using grab sampling and polar organic chemical integrative sampler (POCIS) along a river affected by WWTP discharges. Water and sediment samples were collected from the WWTP effluent (WW), as well as upstream (US) and downstream (DS) of the WWTP. We detected only tebuconazole, triclosan, propiconazole, and fluconazole during the two sampling campaigns in 2016 and 2017. Grab sampling of the site WW detected tebuconazole (7-77 ng/L), propiconazole (5-47 ng/L), and fluconazole (6-45 ng/L). However, the concentrations in the river water were below the detection limits. Nevertheless, fluconazole and triclosan were detected by POCIS in the site WW (45.7 and 26.8 ng/L, respectively) and all river samples ranges of 0.3-9.3 and 2.4-3.7, respectively. This detection was attributed to the limit of quantification of POCIS being lower than that of grab sampling. Nilutamide and triclosan were detected in the river sediment, suggesting that their concentrations in the water column were at least partly attenuated through sediment sorption. We also observed AA by analyzing POCIS extracts with the yeast androgen screen assay. The highest AA was found in the site WW and it was still observable several kilometers downstream of the point of discharge despite decreasing. Therefore, the WWTP effluent was most likely contributor to the persistent AA in the river.
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  • Article
    Evans TA, Lang RJ, Magleby SP, Howell LL.
    R Soc Open Sci. 2015 Sep;2(9):150067.
    Rigidly foldable origami allows for motion where all deflection occurs at the crease lines and facilitates the application of origami in materials other than paper. In this paper, we use a recently discovered method for determining rigid foldability to identify existing flat-foldable rigidly foldable tessellations, which are also categorized. We introduce rigidly foldable origami gadgets which may be used to modify existing tessellations or to create new tessellations. Several modified and new rigidly foldable tessellations are presented.
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  • Article
    Lu JY, Hung PJ, Chen PL, Yen RF, Kuo KT, Yang TL, Wang CY, Chang TC, Huang TS, Chang CC.
    Endocrinol Diabetes Metab Case Rep. 2016;2016:150067.
    UNLABELLED: We report a case of follicular thyroid carcinoma with concomitant NRAS p.Q61K and GNAS p.R201H mutations, which manifested as a 13.5 cm thyroid mass with lung, humerus and T9 spine metastases, and exhibited good response to radioactive iodine treatment.
    LEARNING POINTS: GNAS p.R201H somatic mutation is an activating or gain-of-function mutation resulting in constitutively activated Gs-alpha protein and downstream cAMP cascade, independent of TSH signaling, causing autonomously functioning thyroid nodules. NRAS p.Q61K mutations with GNAS p.R201H mutations are known for a good radioactive iodine treatment response.Further exploration of the GNAS-activating pathway may provide therapeutic insights into the treatment of metastatic follicular carcinoma.
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  • Book
    Andrew Bush, Robin Deterding, Albert M. Li, Felix Ratjen, Peter D. Sly, Heather J. Zar, Robert William Wilmott.
    Summary: Extensively revised from cover to cover, Kendig and Wilmott's Disorders of the Respiratory Tract in Children, 10th Edition, continues to be your #1 choice for reliable, up-to-date information on all aspects of pediatric respiratory disorders. This highly respected reference is accessible to specialists and primary care providers alike, with coverage of both common and less common respiratory problems found in the newborn and child. Detailed and thorough, this edition covers basic science and its relevance to today's clinical issues as well as treatment, management, and outcomes information, making it an ideal resource for day-to-day practice as well as certification or recertification review and other professional examinations such as pHERMES.

    Scientific Basis of Pediatric Pulmonology
    Clinical Tools of Pediatric Pulmonology
    Neonatal Pediatric Pulmonology
    Respiratory Infections
    Asthma and Other Wheezing Disorders
    Cystic Fibrosis and Other Causes of Chronic Airway Infection
    Diffuse Lung Disease
    Respiratory Complications in the Immunocompromised Child
    Pulmonary Vascular Disease
    The Aerodigestive Model
    Disorders of Paediatric Sleep and Control of Breathing
    The Critically Ill Child
    Miscellaneous Pulmonary Disorders
    Emerging Threats to Children's Lung Health.
    Digital Access ClinicalKey [2024]