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  • Book
    [edited by] Alexander E. Ropper [and 3 others].
    Summary: Lessons learned from soft tissue reconstruction, wound healing, and infection prevention in plastic surgery and bony arthrodesis strategies and spinal alignment in orthopaedic surgery and neurosurgery have merged to create a new field of surgery. Spinoplastic Reconstruction, edited by Alexander E. Ropper, Sebastian J. Winocour, Michael A. Bohl, and Edward M. Reece provides in-depth discussion of multidisciplinary techniques and complication management in complex bony and soft tissue reconstruction, with the goal of improved outcomes for spine surgery patients. This textbook encompasses the nomenclature, indications, evidence-based techniques, outcomes, and alternatives that laid the groundwork for spinoplastic surgery. Organized into nine sections and 42 chapters, the book begins by delineating the historical and future relevance of multidisciplinary surgery and advent of spinoplastic surgery to ease the growing global disease burden of spine disease. The second section discusses applied anatomy, biomechanics, and bony spinal stability. Sections three to nine provide detailed discussion and pearls on bone healing, bone adjuncts, perioperative management, surgical spine exposures, vascularized autologous bone grafts and flaps, soft tissue spinal reconstruction, and complication management. -- Publisher

    Anatomy and Biomechanics for the Spinoplastic Surgeon: Applied Anatomy of the Cervical Spine
    Applied Anatomy of the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine
    Applied Anatomy of the Sacral Spine
    Biomechanics and Bony Spinal Stability
    Bone Healing: Bone Modeling and Remodeling
    Biology and Anatomy of Spinal Fusion
    Patient Considerations in Bone Healing
    Bone Grafts versus Flaps: How to Evaluate the Spinal Fusion Bed to Determine Which Is Best for Your Patient
    Bone Adjuncts: Bone Void Fillers: Allograft
    Bone Void Fillers: Autograft and Harvest Techniques
    Biologics in Spine Fusion
    Perioperative Management of the Spinoplastic Patient: Preoperative Optimization of the Spinoplastic Patient
    Postoperative Management of the Spinoplastic Patient
    Perioperative Management of the Pediatric Spine Patient
    Surgical Spine Exposures: Exposures to the Cervical Spine: Anterior and Posterior
    Exposures to the Thoracic Spine: Lateral and Posterior
    Exposure to the Lumbar and Sacral Spine
    Exposures of the Previously Operated Spine
    Vascularized Autologous Bone Grafts and Flaps: The History of Pedicled Myo-Osseous Flaps in Spinal Reconstruction --- Vascularized Rib Bone Flap: Indications, Techniques, and Outcomes
    The Free Fibula Flap for Reconstruction of the Spine and Pelvis
    Nomenclature of Vascularized Bone Grafts
    Vascularized Occipital Bone Grafting: Indications, Techniques, Clinical Outcomes, and Alternatives
    Vascularized Clavicle Graft for Anterior Cervical Arthrodesis
    Vascularized Scapular Bone Grafting: Indications, Techniques, Clinical Outcomes, and Alternatives
    Vascularized Posterior Iliac Crest Bone Grafting: Indications, Techniques, Clinical Outcomes, and Alternatives
    Soft Tissue Spinal Reconstruction: Principles and Techniques to Wound Closure
    Biologics and Adjuncts to Wound Healing
    Soft Tissue Flap Coverage in the Cervical Spine
    Soft Tissue Flap Coverage in the Thoracic Spine
    Soft Tissue Flap Coverage in the Lumbosacral Spine
    Free Flap Soft Tissue Coverage of the Spine and Pelvis
    Soft Tissue Reconstruction in the Pediatric Patient
    Complications in Spine Surgery and Their Management: Management of Soft Tissue Complications
    Failure in Cervical Spinal Fusion and Management
    Failure in Thoracic Spinal Fusions and Management
    Failure in Lumbar Spine Fusion and Management
    Management of Infection in the Instrumented Spine
    Management of Pharyngoesophageal Complications in Spine Surgery
    Appendix: Index
    Digital Access
    Thieme MedOne Neurosurgery
    Thieme MedOne Plastic Surgery