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- ArticleÇapkinoğlu E, Tufan AE, Ömeroğlu S, Tanal M, Güven O, Demir U.Medicine (Baltimore). 2023 May 19;102(20):e33757.Gastric malignancies constitute the sixth most common cancer with regards to incidence and have the fifth most mortality rates. Extended lymph-node dissection is the surgical modality of choice while treating advanced stage gastric cancer. It is yet a topic of debate, whether or not the amount of positive lymph nodes after a pathological examination following the surgical intervention is of prognostic value. In this study, it is aimed to evaluate the prognostic significance of positive lymph nodes following the surgery. A total of 193 patients who underwent curative gastrectomy between January 2011 and December 2015 have been considered for a retrospective data collection. The cases with R1-R2 resections, palliative or emergent surgeries are excluded. Metastatic to total number of lymph nodes, corresponded a ratio which was analyzed in this survey and practiced as a predictive parameter of disease outcome. This survey includes 138 male (71.5%) and 55 female (28.5%) patients treated between 2011 and 2015 in our clinic. The survey follow-up duration of the cases range between 0, 2, and 72 months, corresponding an average of 23.24 ± 16.99 months. We calculated cutoff value of 0.09 with, sensitivity is 76.32% for positive to total number of lymph nodes ratio, whereas specivity applies for 64.10%, positive predictive value for 58% and negative predictive value for 80.6%. Positive lymph node ratio has a prognostic value in terms of predicting the prognosis of the patients with gastric adenocarcinoma following a curative gastrectomy. This might in long term contribute to the prognostic analysis of patients if integrated in the current staging system.
- ArticleFelix F, Oliveira E, Silva SC, Agualusa L.Cureus. 2023 Jan;15(1):e33757.Introduction Pain represents up to 78% of emergency department (ED) appointments, and an average of 16% of patients that consume ED resources have chronic pain. ED overuse could be an indicator of poor pain management. We are not aware of any study that has ever been carried out to understand the incidence of patients followed up at a multidisciplinary pain clinic (MPC) who overuse the ED. We aim to characterize patients in our MPC who overuse the emergency department, comprehend our percentages, and develop effective methods to reduce these numbers in the near future. Materials and methods We reviewed the medical records of patients observed in our MPC in 2019, selected patients with more than six ED visits from 2019 to 2021, and registered their ED visit diagnosis and evolution. We followed up on these patients and characterized them according to demographic aspects, chronic pain diagnostics, comorbidities, chronic medication, number of chronic pain department appointments, and patients that underwent invasive pain treatment. Results In 2019, 1892 patients were evaluated at our MPC, and only 1% were classified as overusers of the ED. The average number of episodes per patient was 10 in 2019, seven in 2020, and four in 2021. 70% of episodes were due to pain, and 94% were discharged immediately. The majority were women, and 69% were under the age of 69. Seventy-three percent had psychiatric disorders, and 95% and 89% were medicated with opioid and antidepressant medication, respectively, prior to the ED evaluation. Chronic primary pain was the most common diagnosis (47%), followed by chronic secondary musculoskeletal pain (21%). In 2019, most of these patients had only one appointment at our MPC, and in 2021, 79% had no appointments at all. Conclusion Our findings emphasize the particularities of patients with chronic pain who are followed in an MPC and misuse the ED. We observe the predominance of middle-aged people, which raises concerns about the impact of chronic pain in the active population. Issues like the predominance of patients with a diagnosis of primary chronic pain, psychiatric disorders, and being polymedicated with antidepressants and opioids are also a concern. We also realized that a high percentage of patients who overuse EDs lost follow-up at MPC over the past three years, which may reinforce the idea that they were misguided in the treatment of their chronic pain. We recognized the need to improve teamwork with primary care in the follow-up of these patients as well as sensitize emergency service professionals to refer this patient rather than medicate acutely so that follow-up could be carried out in the appropriate places to reduce the percentage of ED overuse.
- ArticleSchwameis R, Grimm C, Brodowicz T, Petru E, Hefler-Frischmuth K, Staudigl C, Reinthaller A, Heinze G, Polterauer S, Polterauer M.Sci Rep. 2016 09 20;6:33757.Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) is an established marker for proliferative/apoptotic balance and has been associated with cancer risk and prognosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the value of pre-treatment GGT serum levels as prognostic biomarker in patients with primary uterine leiomyosarcoma (ULMS). Data of women with ULMS were extracted from a multi-center database. Pre-treatment GGT serum levels were measured and patients assigned to predefined GGT risk groups. GGT values were correlated with clinico-pathological parameters and univariate and multivariable survival analyses were performed. A total of 44 patients with ULMS were analyzed. Mean (SD) pre-therapeutic GGT serum level was 33.8 (39.8) U/L. In Figo Stage I versus II-IV mean (SD) GGT values were 28.8 (34.0) U/l and 43.5 (49.2) U/l, respectively (p = 0.25). Five-year overall survival (OS) rates in ULMS patients with normal low versus higher GGT levels were 70% and 37%, respectively (p = 0.043). Univariate and multivariable analyses revealed that higher GGT serum levels (p = 0.043, p = 0.005) and high histological grade (p = 0.029, p = 0.012) were independently associated with impaired OS, respectively. Higher pre-treatment GGT serum levels were independently associated with unfavorable prognosis in women with ULMS. Thus, GGT seems to be a useful novel biomarker in ULMS.
- ArticleConnolly MG, Ivankovic A, O'Rourke MJ.Heliyon. 2024 Jul 15;10(13):e33757.This paper addresses the critical role of drag reduction technology in the evolution of road vehicle design amidst the ongoing climate crisis. With transportation accounting for a substantial portion of the EU's greenhouse gas emissions, the shift towards alternatively powered vehicles highlights the need for innovative solutions to extend range, reduce fuel consumption, and lower emissions. This review thoroughly outlines the literature on appendable drag reduction devices, encompassing both passive and active techniques, and their applicability across a variety of road vehicles, including light and heavy-duty transport. Methods applied to simplified bodies such as the Ahmed or other commonly studied generic bluff bodies are clearly distinguished from those applied to more detailed road vehicles, where results hold greater practical significance due to authentic geometry. A combination of both wind tunnel and CFD works are outlined with insights given into how advancements in both computing power and CFD will greatly enhance the future outputs of drag reduction research for road vehicles. Finally, an outlook is provided on the future of the technology and how increased consumer demand for configurable vehicles will encourage increased engagement between drag reduction device manufacturers and automakers to improve the device mounting process.
- ArticleKim K, Kumagai M, Yamamoto Y.Opt Express. 2024 Sep 09;32(19):33737-33757.We propose and numerically study the performance of an all-optical machine for tackling combinatorial clustering, one of the unsupervised machine learning problems. A problem instance is encoded into the phase of time-multiplexed optical pulses, which are coupled repulsively through optical delay lines. To maintain uniform pulse amplitudes, we utilize a nonlinear amplifier with gain saturation, enabling our optical architecture to emulate the classical XY-spin system. This solver, called the coherent XY machine, leads to the formation of clusters in an optical phase space and allows us to efficiently identify the solution with post-processing. Additionally, we implement momentum in our solver to provide a powerful mechanism for escaping local minima and searching for the global optimum. Benchmarking our approach with a most advanced Ising-spin-based solver reveals a two-orders-of-magnitude improvement in the time-to-solution of the algorithm. Furthermore, our approach exhibits scaling advantages for larger problems, which will facilitate time- and energy-efficient data clustering.
- ArticleLi L, Tian G, Deng Y, Wang Y, Cao Z, Ling F, Li Y, Jiang S, Xiang G, Zhou X.Opt Express. 2020 Oct 26;28(22):33747-33757.A strategy of optical temperature sensing was developed by using various thermal quenching of Mn4+ and Eu3+ for double perovskite tellurite phosphor in optical thermometers. Herein, SrGdLiTeO6 (SGLT): Mn4+,Eu3+ phosphors were synthesized by a high-temperature solid-state reaction method. The temperature-dependent emission spectra indicated that two distinguishable emission peaks originated from Eu3+ and Mn4+ exhibited significantly diverse temperature responses. Therefore, optical thermometers with a dual-mode mechanism were designed by employing a fluorescence intensity ratio (FIR) of Mn4+ (2Eg→4A2g) and Eu3+ (5D0→7F1,2) and the decay lifetime of Mn4+ as the temperature readouts. The temperature sensing of the phosphors ranging from 300 to 550 K were studied. The maximum relative sensitivities (Sr) are obtained as 4.9% K-1 at 550 K. Meanwhile, the 695 nm emission of Mn4+ possessed a temperature-dependent decay lifetime with Sr of 0.229% K-1 at 573 K. Relevant results demonstrate the SrGdLiTeO6:Mn4+, Eu3+ phosphor as an optical thermometer candidate and also provide constructive suggestions and guidance for constructing high-sensitivity dual-mode optical thermometers.
- ArticleSun F, Liu Y, Yang Y, Chen Z, He S.Opt Express. 2019 Nov 11;27(23):33757-33767.A new method to control heat flux, called thermal surface transformation (TST), is introduced from transformation thermodynamics. Compared with transformation thermodynamics, TST has many advantage. First, there is no mathematical calculation during the whole process in TST (novel thermal devices can be designed graphically in a surface-to-surface way). Second, all thermal devices of various functions, shapes and sizes designed by TST only require one homogenous anisotropic thermal medium, i.e., thermal-null medium (TNM). With the help of the effective medium theory, TNM can be realized by layered copper and expanded polystyrene, whose performance on controlling heat flux by TST is verified by numerical simulations. Many examples are given, including thermal imaging devices, thermal unidirectional cloak, concentrator, rotator and thermal focusing devices.
- ArticleLoriol C, Parisot J, Poupon G, Gwizdek C, Martin S.PLoS One. 2012;7(3):e33757.BACKGROUND: Small Ubiquitin-like MOdifier protein (SUMO) is a key regulator of nuclear functions but little is known regarding the role of the post-translational modification sumoylation outside of the nucleus, particularly in the Central Nervous System (CNS).
METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we report that the expression levels of SUMO-modified substrates as well as the components of the sumoylation machinery are temporally and spatially regulated in the developing rat brain. Interestingly, while the overall sumoylation is decreasing during brain development, there are progressively more SUMO substrates localized at synapses. This increase is correlated with a differential redistribution of the sumoylation machinery into dendritic spines during neuronal maturation.
CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Overall, our data clearly demonstrate that the sumoylation process is developmentally regulated in the brain with high levels of nuclear sumoylation early in the development suggesting a role for this post-translational modification during the synaptogenesis period and a redistribution of the SUMO system towards dendritic spines at a later developmental stage to modulate synaptic protein function. - ArticleRutz C, Rosenthal W, Schülein R.J Biol Chem. 1999 Nov 19;274(47):33757-63.The orientation of membrane proteins is determined by the asymmetric distribution of charged residues in the sequences flanking the transmembrane domains. For the inner membrane of Escherichia coli, numerous studies have shown that an excess of positively charged residues defines a cytoplasmic domain of a membrane protein ("positive inside" rule). The role of negatively charged residues in establishing membrane protein topology, however, is not completely understood. To investigate the influence of negatively charged residues on this process in detail, we have constructed a single spanning chimeric receptor fragment comprising the N terminus and first transmembrane domain of the heptahelical G protein-coupled vasopressin V(2) receptor and the first cytoplasmic loop of the beta(2)-adrenergic receptor. When fused to alkaline phosphatase (PhoA), the receptor fragment inserted into the inner membrane of E. coli with its N terminus facing the cytoplasm (N(in)-C(out) orientation), although both membrane-flanking domains had rather similar topogenic determinants. The orientation of the receptor fragment was changed after the introduction of single glutamate residues into the N terminus. Orientation inversion, however, was found to be dependent on the location of the glutamate substitutions, which had to lie within a narrow window up to 6 residues distant from the transmembrane domain. These results demonstrate that a single negatively charged residue can play an active role as a topogenic determinant of membrane proteins in the inner membrane of E. coli, but only if it is located adjacent to a transmembrane domain.
- ArticleWang H, Shao C, Gascon J, Takanabe K, Sarathy SM.ACS Omega. 2021 Dec 14;6(49):33757-33768.Oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) is a promising technique for converting methane to higher hydrocarbons in a single reactor. Catalytic OCM is known to proceed via both gas-phase and surface chemical reactions. It is essential to first implement an accurate gas-phase model and then to further develop comprehensive homogeneous-heterogeneous OCM reaction networks. In this work, OCM gas-phase kinetics using a jet-stirred reactor are studied in the absence of a catalyst and simulated using a 0-D reactor model. Experiments were conducted in OCM-relevant operating conditions under various temperatures, residence times, and inlet CH4/O2 ratios. Simulations of different gas-phase models related to methane oxidation were implemented and compared against the experimental data. Quantities of interest (QoI) and rate of production analyses on hydrocarbon products were also performed to evaluate the models. The gas-phase models taken from catalytic reaction networks could not adequately describe the experimental gas-phase performances. NUIGMech1.1 was selected as the most comprehensive model to describe the OCM gas-phase kinetics; it is recommended for further use as the gas-phase model for constructing homogeneous-heterogeneous reaction networks.
- ArticleTeow YH, Nordin NI, Mohammad AW.Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2019 Nov;26(33):33747-33757.Textile wastewater contains methylene blue (MB), a major coloring agent in textile industry. Activated carbon (AC) is the most widely used adsorbent in removing dyes from industrial wastewater. However, high production cost of AC is the major obstacle for its wide application in dye wastewater treatment. In this study, a sustainable approach in synthesizing graphenic adsorbent from palm oil mill effluent (POME), a potential carbonaceous source, has been explored. This new development in adsorption technique is considered as green synthesis as it does not require any binder during the synthesis process, and at the same time, it helps to solve the bottleneck of palm oil industry as POME is the main cause contributed to Malaysia's water pollution problem. The synthesized GSC was characterized through XRD, FESEM, and EDX. The adsorption performance of the synthesized GSC was evaluated by adsorption of MB. The effect of initial concentration of synthetic MB solution (1-20 mg/L) and weight of GSC (5-20 g) were investigated. A remarkable change in color of synthetic MB solution from blue to crystal clear was observed at the end of adsorption study. High efficiency of the synthesized GSC for dye-contaminated wastewater treatment is concluded.
- ArticleSimotwo SK, Chinnam PR, Wunder SL, Kalra V.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2017 Oct 04;9(39):33749-33757.A high-performance, self-standing solid-state supercapacitor is prepared by incorporating an ionic liquid (IL)-rich ionogel made with 95 wt % IL (1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide) and 5 wt % methyl cellulose, a polymer matrix, into highly interconnected 3-D activated carbon nanofiber (CNF) electrodes. The ionogel exhibits strong mechanical properties with a storage modulus of 5 MPa and a high ionic conductivity of 5.7 mS cm-1 at 25 °C. The high-surface-area CNF-based electrode (2282 m2 g-1), obtained via an electrospinning technique, exhibits hierarchical porosity generated both in situ during pyrolysis and ex situ via KOH activation. The porous architecture of the CNF electrodes facilitates the facile percolation of the soft but mechanically durable ionogel film, thereby enabling intimate contact between porous nanofibers and the gel electrolyte interface. The supercapacitor demonstrates promising capacitive characteristics, including a gravimetric capacitance of 153 F g-1, a high specific energy density of 65 W h kg-1, and high cycling stability, with a capacitance fade of only 4% after 20 000 charge-discharge cycles at 1 A g-1. Moreover, device-level areal capacitances for the gel IL cell of 122 and 151 mF cm-2 are observed at electrode mass loadings of 3.20 and 5.10 mg cm-2, respectively.
- BookChristina Sharpe.Summary: A singular achievement, Ordinary Notes explores profound questions about loss and the shapes of Black life that emerge in the wake. In a series of 248 notes that gather meaning as we read them, Christina Sharpe skillfully weaves artifacts from the past—public ones alongside others that are poignantly personal—with present realities and possible futures, intricately constructing an immersive portrait of everyday Black existence. The themes and tones that echo through these pages—sometimes about language, beauty, memory; sometimes about history, art, photography, and literature—always attend, with exquisite care, to the ordinary-extraordinary dimensions of Black life. At the heart of Ordinary Notes is the indelible presence of the author’s mother, Ida Wright Sharpe. “I learned to see in my mother’s house,” writes Sharpe. “I learned how not to see in my mother’s house . . . My mother gifted me a love of beauty, a love of words.” Using these gifts and other ways of seeing, Sharpe steadily summons a chorus of voices and experiences to the page. She practices an aesthetic of "beauty as a method,” collects entries from a community of thinkers toward a “Dictionary of Untranslatable Blackness,” and rigorously examines sites of memory and memorial. And in the process, she forges a brilliant new literary form, as multivalent as the ways of Black being it traces. -- Provided by publisher.
- ArticleWaters BM, Eide DJ.J Biol Chem. 2002 Sep 13;277(37):33749-57.Acquisition of metals such as iron, copper, and zinc by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is tightly regulated. High affinity uptake systems are induced under metal-limiting conditions to maintain an adequate supply of these essential nutrients. Low affinity uptake systems function when their substrates are in greater supply. The FET4 gene encodes a low affinity iron and copper uptake transporter. FET4 expression is regulated by several environmental factors. In this report, we describe the molecular mechanisms underlying this regulation. First, we found that FET4 expression is induced in iron-limited cells by the Aft1 iron-responsive transcriptional activator. Second, FET4 is regulated by zinc status via the Zap1 transcription factor. We present evidence that FET4 is a physiologically relevant zinc transporter and this provides a rationale for its regulation by Zap1. Finally, FET4 expression is regulated in response to oxygen by the Rox1 repressor. Rox1 attenuates activation by Aft1 and Zap1 in aerobic cells. Derepression of FET4 may allow the Fet4 transporter to play an even greater role in metal acquisition under anaerobic conditions. Thus, Fet4 is a multisubstrate metal ion transporter under combinatorial control by iron, zinc, and oxygen.