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  • Article
    Ye H, Wang B, Xiao D, Li H, Wu D, Wang J, Cheng L, Geng F.
    Ultrason Sonochem. 2023 Aug;98:106477.
    In this study, a stable aqueous solution of paprika oleoresin (PO, the natural colorant extracted from the fruit peel of Capsicum annuum L) was constructed. The solubility of PO in an alkline aqueous solution (pH 10.95-11.10) increased rapidly. However, the aqueous solution of PO (pH 12.00) was unstable, obvious stratification was observed, and the color retention rate was only 52.99% after 28 days of storage. Chicken egg yolk low-density lipoprotein (LDL) was added combined with ultrasonic treatment to improve the stability of LDL-PO solution. The method could decrease the turbidity by 17.5 %, reduce the average particle size of the LDL-PO solution (13.9%), and enhance the interaction and combination of LDL and PO. The prepared PO aqueous solution was used in yogurt, egg white gel, fish balls and soymilk, and it could significantly improve the color of products and provided potential health benefits.
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