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    Budh DP, Hawa S, Rios D, Chilakala A, Paniagua JA.
    Cureus. 2022 Sep;14(9):e29754.
    Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) is a rare dermatological manifestation of the adverse drug reaction that occurs for a varied duration after the receipt of certain drugs. It manifests as an acute onset of generalized exanthematous pustular reaction with an edematous base. It has a characteristic clinical presentation and rapid resolution soon after the removal of the offending drug. The unique histological finding is that of single-cell necrosis of keratinocytes with edema of papillary dermis accompanied by components of vasculitis and/or exocytosis of eosinophils. Management consists of moist antiseptic dressings, topical steroids, infliximab, the use of systemic steroids if needed, and avoiding antibiotics as much as possible. Here, we present a case of AGEP in a setting of usages of antibiotics like vancomycin, cefepime, and ceftriaxone in a patient with cutaneous lymphoma that resolved after withdrawal of the offending antibiotics.
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