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  • Book
    editors, Laura A. Huppert, Timothy G. Dyster.
    Summary: "A manual connecting pathophysiology to clinical management principles encountered on medical clerkship rotations. The author, through her own recent experiences as a medical student and resident in internal medicine, has succinctly organized foundational science learned in years one and two of medical school and provides a framework for clinical learning encountered in year three clerkship and beyond. This marriage of pathophysiology and basic treatment principles helps users make sense of clinical concepts mechanistically, rather than through memorization. Filled with visuals and pearls, this portable guide will help medical students bridge the gap between science lectures and patient wards"-- Provided by publisher.

    Part 1: Cardiology. Anatomy and physiology in cardiology
    Diagnostics in cardiology
    Approaches and chief complaints in cardiology
    Diseases and pathophysiology in cardiology
    Key medications and interventions in cardiology
    Key clinical trials and publications in cardiology
    Part 2: Pulmonology. Anatomy and physiology in pulmonology
    Diagnostics in pulmonology
    Approaches and chief complaints in pulmonology
    Diseases and pathophysiology in pulmonology
    Key medications and interventions in pulmonology
    Key clinical trials and publications in pulmonology
    Part 3: Critical care medicine. Introduction in critical care medicine
    Anatomy, physiology, and diagnostics in critical care medicine
    Approaches and chief complaints in critical care medicine
    Diseases and pathophysiology in critical care medicine
    Common complications of ICU admission in critical care medicine
    Key medications and interventions in critical care medicine
    Key clinical trials and publications in critical care medicine
    Part 4: Gastroenterology. Anatomy and physiology in gastroenterology
    Diagnostics in gastroenterology
    Approaches and chief complaints in gastroenterology
    Diseases and pathophysiology in gastroenterology
    Key medications and interventions in gastroenterology
    Key clinical trials and publications in gastroenterology
    Part 5: Endocrinology. Anatomy and physiology in endocrinology
    Reproductive endocrinology
    Key clinical trials and publications in endocrinology
    Part 6: Nephrology. Anatomy and physiology in nephrology
    Diagnostics in nephrology
    Approaches and chief complaints in nephrology
    Diseases and pathophysiology in nephrology
    Key medications and interventions in nephrology
    Key clinical trials and publications in nephrology
    Part 7: Hematology and oncology. Anatomy & physiology in hematology
    Diagnostics in hematology
    Approaches & chief complaints in hematology
    Diseases & pathophysiology: non-malignant hematology in hematology
    Diseases & pathophysiology: malignant hematology in hematology
    Key medications & interventions in hematology
    Key clinical trials & publications in hematology
    Anatomy & physiology in oncology
    Diagnostics in oncology
    Approaches & chief complaints in oncology
    Diseases & pathophysiology in oncology
    Key medications & interventions in oncology
    Key clinical trials & publications in oncology
    Part 8: Infectious diseases. Microbiology in infectious diseases
    Approaches & chief complaints in infectious diseases
    Diseases & pathophysiology in infectious diseases
    Key medications & interventions in infectious diseases
    Key clinical trials & publications in infectious diseases --
    Digital Access AccessMedicine 2021
  • Article
    Meijer AE, Israël DE.
    Histochemistry. 1978 Aug 15;57(1):9-22.
    The reliability of enzyme histochemical observations of activities of acid hydrolases was investigated with a combined histochemical and biochemical study. Specimens of m. soleus, m. plantaris, m. gastrocnemius and diaphragm of normal and of vitamin E deficient rabbits were used. For the histochemical investigation, activity and localization of acid phosphatase, beta-glucuronidase, leucine aminopeptidase and E600 resistant non-specific arylesterase were examined with semipermeable membrane techniques. For the biochemical investigation, activity of acid phosphatase, beta-glucuronidase, cathepsin D, acid maltase and neutral maltase was determined. By means of stastical calculations the enzyme activities demonstrated with histochemical techniques were compared with the enzyme activities determined with biochemical techniques. In the present communication the histochemical findings are reported and discussed. From the histochemical findings it appeared that activity of the acid hydrolases investigated is strongly increased in both a granular and a diffuse pattern in skeletal muscle of vitamin E deficient rabbits. The statistical calculations of the histochemical findings clearly reveal that the increased activity of one acid hydrolase was highly significantly paralleled by an increased activity of a second acid hydrolase. Moreover the probability that the activity of all other histochemically studied acid hydrolases was significantly increased was rather high. The increase in activity of the acid hydrolases studied was the same in muscles with an aerobic or an anaerobic metabolism. Moreover there was no difference in activity and localization of the acid hydrolases in aerobic type I and anaerobic type II fibres. The localization of acid phosphatase and beta-glucuronidase activity muscle fibres mostly coincided. In cases where these enzymes were localized both centrally and in the subsarcolemnal areas of the muscle fibres, the activity of E600 resistant naphtholesterase was usually, and the activity of leucine aminopeptidase was exclusively located in the subsarcolemnal areas. All of the examined acid hydrolases were found to be present in the inflammatory exudate and in the connective tissue.
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