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  • Book
    Claude Clément.
    Summary: This book is about the field of brain-computer interfaces (BCI) and the unique and special environment of active implants that electrically interface with the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and organs. At the heart of the book is the matter of repairing and rehabilitating patients suffering from severe neurologic impairments, from paralysis to movement disorders and epilepsy, that often requires an invasive solution based on an implanted device. Past achievements, current work, and future perspectives of BCI and other interactions between medical devices and the human nervous system are described in detail from a pragmatic point of view. Reviews the Active Implantable Medical Devices (AIMDs) industry and how it is moving from cardiac to neuro applications Clear, easy to read, presentation of the field of neuro-technologies for human benefit Provides easy to understand explanations about the technical limitations, the physics of implants in the human body, and realistic long terms perspectives.

    Intro; Preface; Contents; About the Author; Abbreviations and Acronyms;
    Chapter 1: Introduction; 1.1 Brain-Computer Interface (BCI); 1.2 Technology Versus Science; 1.3 This Is Not Science Fiction; 1.3.1 Cochlear Implants (CI); 1.3.2 Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS); 1.3.3 Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS); 1.3.4 Sacral Nerve Stimulation (SNS); 1.3.5 Vagal Nerve Stimulation (VNS); 1.3.6 Various Devices; 1.4 Pioneers, Doers, and Dreamers; 1.4.1 Pioneers; Pacemakers; Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators (ICDs); Cochlear Implants; Deep Brain Stimulation Spinal Cord Stimulation1.4.2 Doers; Spinal Cord Stimulation; Sacral Nerve Stimulation; Vagal Nerve Stimulation; Retinal Implants; Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (PNS); Intelligent Prosthesis for Amputees; Diagnostic and Monitoring of Epileptic Patients; BCI for Sensing Motor Areas of the Cortex; Others; 1.4.3 Dreamers; 1.5 The Age of Neuro-Technologies; 1.5.1 Convergence of Technologies; 1.5.2 Limitations of the Pharma- and Bio-Industries; 1.5.3 Unmet Medical Needs; References;
    Chapter 2: From Concept to Patient 2.1 Translational Medicine2.1.1 From Ideas to Products; 2.1.2 Valley of Death; 2.1.3 Multicultural Approach; 2.1.4 Setting Priorities; 2.1.5 Prepare a Plan; 2.1.6 Think About Costs; 2.2 Understanding Our Environment; 2.2.1 Regulated Environment; 2.2.2 Users' Needs; 2.2.3 Human Factors; 2.2.4 Implantology; 2.2.5 Think About Patients and Healthcare Players; 2.2.6 Do Not Listen to Engineers; 2.2.7 Check What Others Are Doing; 2.2.8 Search Reasons of Successes and Failures; 2.2.9 Cumulated Cash-Flow; 2.2.10 Reimbursement; 2.2.11 Global Social Costs; 2.2.12 Intellectual Property (IP); References 3.4.5 Retinal Implants (RI)3.4.6 Urinary Incontinence (UI); 3.4.7 NeuroPace; 3.4.8 Various; 3.5 Long-Term Clinical Perspectives; References;
    Chapter 4: The Human Body: A Special Environment; 4.1 Active Implantable Medical Devices (AIMDs); 4.2 A Special Environment; 4.2.1 Not Negotiable; 4.2.2 Laws of Physics; 4.2.3 Surgical Aspects; 4.2.4 Reaction of Body Tissues; 4.3 Biocompatibility; 4.4 Biostability; 4.5 Corrosion; 4.5.1 Generalities on Corrosion of AIMDs; 4.5.2 Specificities of Corrosion in the Human Body; 4.6 Cleanliness; 4.7 Sterility; 4.8 Accelerated Aging
    Chapter 3: Targets of Neuro-Technologies3.1 Interfacing with the Nervous System; 3.2 Invasiveness; 3.2.1 Noninvasive; 3.2.2 Not So Invasive; 3.2.3 Invasive; 3.3 Invasive Interfaces; 3.3.1 Interfacing with the Brain; 3.3.2 Interfacing with the Spinal Cord; 3.3.3 Interfacing with the Vagal Nerve; 3.3.4 Interfacing with Peripheral Nerves; 3.3.5 Interfacing with Organs; 3.4 Achievements; 3.4.1 Cochlear Implants (CI); 3.4.2 Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), Parkinson's Disease (PD); 3.4.3 Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) for Chronic Back Pain (CBP); 3.4.4 Vagal Nerve Stimulation (VNS)
    Digital Access Springer 2019
  • Article
    Shaw AB.
    Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 1978 Jul;60(4):336-44.
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