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  • Book
    Gene W. Yeo, editor.
    Experimental and computational considerations in the study of RNA binding protein-RNA interactions
    Genome-wide approaches for RNA structure probing
    Tethered function assays as tools to elucidate the molecular roles of RNA binding proteins
    Single molecule approaches in RNA-protein interactions
    RNA dynamics in the control of circadian rhythm
    Roles of RNA binding proteins and post-transcriptional regulation in driving male germ cell development in the mouse
    Regulation of stem cell self-renewal and oncogenesis by RNA binding proteins
    Controlling the editor: the many roles of RNA binding proteins in regulating A-to-I RNA editing
    Mutations in splicing factors and cancer
    Regulation of tissue-specific alternative splicing: C. elegans as a model system
    RNA Granules and Diseases
    A Case Study of Stress Granules in ALS and FTLD
    Post-translational modifications and RNA-binding proteins.
    Digital Access Springer 2016
  • Article
    Walker JR, Henson JM, Lee CS.
    J Bacteriol. 1977 Apr;130(1):354-65.
    The Escherichia coli dnaZ gene, a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) polymerization gene, is located 1.2 min counterclockwise from purE, at approximately min 10.5 on the E. coli map. From a lysogen with lamdacI857 integrated at a secondary attachment site near purE, transducing phages (lambdadnaS+) that transduced a dnaZts (lambda+) recipient to temperature insensitivity (TS+) were discovered. Three different plaque-forming transducing phages were isolated from seven primary heterogenotes. Genetic tests and heteroduplex mapping were used to determine the length and position of E. coli DNA within the lambda DNA. Complementation tests demonstrated that the deletions in all three strains removed both att P and the int gene, i,e., DNA from both prophage ends. Heteroduplex mapping confirmed this result by demonstrating that all three strains had deletions of lambda DNA that covered the b2 to red region, thereby removing both prophage ends. Specifically, the deletions removed lambda DNA between the points 39.3 to 66.5% of lambda length (measured in percent length from the left and of lambda phage DNA) in all three strains. The three strains are distinct, however, because they had differing lengths of host DNA insertions. These phages must have been formed by an anomalous procedure, because standard lambda transducing phages are deleted for one prophage end only. In lambdagal and lambdabio strains, the deletions of lambda DNA begin at the union of prophage ends (i.e., position 57.3% of lambda length) and extend leftward or rightward, respectively (Davidson and Szybalski, in A, D. Hershey [ed.], The Bacteriophage Lambda, p. 45-82, 1971). Models for formation of the lambdadnaZ+ phages are discussed.
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