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  • Book
    edited by Yacine Graba, René Rezsohazy.
    Discovery and classification of homeobox genes in animal genomes / Ferdinand Marlétaz, Jordi Paps, Ignacio Maeso, and Peter W. H. Holland
    How to study hox gene expression and function in mammalian oocytes and early embryos / Delphine Paul, Caroline Sauvegarde, René Rezsohazy, and Isabelle Donnay
    Genetic lineage tracing analysis of anterior hox expressing cells / Brigitte Laforest, Nicolas Bertrand, and Stéphane Zaffran
    A genetic strategy to obtain P-Gal4 elements in the Drosophila hox genes / Luis de Navas, David Foronda, Delia del Saz, and Ernesto Sánchez-Herrero
    Hox complex analysis through BAC recombineering / Mark Parrish, Youngwook Ahn, Christof Nolte, Bony De Kumar and Robb Krumlauf
    The genetics of murine Hox loci : TAMERE, STRING, and PANTHERE to engineer chromosome variants / Patrick Tschopp and Denis Duboule
    Topological organization of Drosophila hox genes using DNA fluorescent in situ hybridization / Frédéric Bantignies and Giacomo Cavalli
    Mining the Cis-regulatory elements of hox clusters / Navneet Kaur Matharu and Rakesh K. Mishra
    Functional analysis of hox genes in Zebrafish / Franck Ladam and Charles G. Sagerström
    Transgenesis in non-model organisms : the case of Parhyale / Zacharias Kontarakis and Anastasios Pavlopoulos
    Tissue specific RNA isolation in Drosophila embryos : a strategy to analyze context dependent transcriptome landscapes using FACS / Arnaud Defaye and Laurent Perrin
    Hox transcriptomics in Drosophila embryos / Maria Polychronidou and Ingrid Lohmann
    Measuring hox-DNA binding by electrophoretic mobility / Kelly Churion [and four others]
    Chromatin immunoprecipitation and chromatin immunoprecipitation with massively parallel sequencing on mouse embryonic tissue / Shilu Amin and Nicoletta Bobola
    chIP for hox proteins from Drosophila imaginal discs / Pavan Agrawal and L. S. Shashidhara
    SELEX-seq : a method for characterizing the compete repertoire of binding site preferences for transcription factor complexes / Todd R. Riley [and six others]
    DamID as an approach to studyinhg long-distance chromatin iteractions / Fabienne Cléard, François Karch, and oRbert K. Maeda
    cgCHIP : a cell type- and gene-specific method for chromatin analysis / Marios Agelopoulos, Daniel J. McKay, and Ricahrd S. Mann
    Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (biFC) in live Drosophila embryos / Marilyne Duffraisse, Bruno Hudry, and Samir Merabet
    Rational drug repurposing using sscMap analysis in a HOX-TALE model of leukemia / Laura M. Kettyle, Fabio G. Liberante, and Alexander Thompson.
    Digital Access Springer 2014
  • Article
    Alpern M, Zwas F.
    Vision Res. 1979;19(10):1077-87.
    Digital Access Access Options