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  • Book
    editor, Gustav K. von Schulthess.
    Summary: "This brand new book discusses the most relevant technique or combination thereof for each disease and provides guidance on which modality to use -It is a disease oriented reference meant for interpreting integrated imaging studies. While it focuses on PET-CT and SPECT-CT, it also integrates PET-MR were applicable. Features: Allows clinical hybrid imaging users to compare modalities and decide whether to use PET/CT, PET/MR or SPECT/CT to solve a clinical question. Focus on clinical applications sans technological & radiopharmaceutical details. Inclusion of emerging field of PET/MR. New PART III on workflow and normal scans with various clinical tracers. Only book that incorporates PET/MR in a systematic way"--Provided by publisher.
    Digital Access Ovid 2016
  • Article
    Jones BL, Monty KJ.
    J Bacteriol. 1979 Sep;139(3):1007-13.
    In whole cells of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides, nitrogen fixation, as measured by hydrogen production and acetylene reduction, was totally inhibited by micromolar concentrations of ammonia. This inhibition could not be duplicated by glutamate or glutamine alone. The inhibition by ammonia was abolished by methionine sulfoximine, a glutamine synthetase inhibitor. Inhibition by glutamine was complete in the presence of methionine sulfone, a preferential inhibitor of glutamate synthase, presumably by permitting a rise in the glutamine pool. The results indicated that the level of the glutamine pool controlled the activity of nitrogenase. None of these effects could be duplicated with cell-free nitrogenase, indicating there is probably a mediator which responds to the glutamine pool and inhibits nitrogenase, rather than glutamine itself being a direct inhibitor.
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