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  • Article
    Seo D, Lim SY, Lee J, Yun J, Chung TD.
    ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2018 Oct 03;10(39):33662-33668.
    Light addressable/activated electrochemistry (LAE) has recently attracted attention as it can provide spatially resolved electrochemical information without using pre-patterned electrodes whose sizes and positions are unchangeable. Here, we propose hematite (α-Fe2O3) as the photoanode for LAE, which does not require any sort of surface modification for protection or facilitating charge transfer. As experimentally confirmed with various redox species, hematite is stable enough to be used for repetitive electroanalytical measurements. More importantly, it offers exceptionally high spatial resolution so that the "virtual electrode" is exactly as large as the light spot owing to the short diffusion length of the minority carriers. Quantitative analysis of dopamine in this study shows that the hematite-based photoanode is a promising platform for many potential LAE applications including spatially selective detection of oxidizable biomolecules.
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