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  • Journal
    Digital Access
    PubMed Central
    v. 1-, 2010- Free full text HTML only.
  • Article
    Carlsen RC, Mendell LM.
    Brain Res. 1977 Apr 01;124(3):415-26.
    Both lumbar dorsal root (DR) primary afferents and descending fibers in the lateral column (LC) make monosynaptic connections with ipsilateral lumbar motoneurons in the frog spinal cord. We have determined that LC fibers also make monosynaptic connections with thoracic motoneurons, while thoracic primary afferents do not. The central reflex time (CRT) for the lumbar DR-VR pathway was 2.5 +/- 0.3 msec, but the CRT for the thoracic DR-VR pathway was 8.5 +/- 2.6 msec. By using a conditioning-test paradigm we have been able to determine that the earliest sign of segmental synaptic transmission in thoracic motoneurons occurs only after a delay of 6.1 +/- 0.9 msec. These results correlate very well with the different morphological characteristics of lumbar and thoracic segments. We have also investigated the central organization of lumbar and thoracic segments and found that the segmental polysynaptic input to motoneurons is more diffuse in thoracic than in lumbar segments. The intersegmental reflexes between thoracic and lumbar segments provide additional evidence for a more diffuse organization in thoracic segments.
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