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  • Article
    Yang L, Mukamel S.
    Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2010;7600:76001G1-76001G9.
    Multidimensional analysis of coherent signals is commonly used in nuclear magnetic resonance to study correlations among spins. These techniques were recently extended to the femtosecond regime and applied to chemical, biological and semiconductor systems. In this work, we apply a two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy technique which employs double-quantum-coherence to investigate many-body effects in a semiconductor quantum well. The signal is detected along the direction k(1)+ k(2)- k(3), where k(1), k(2) and k(3) are the pulse wave vectors in chronological order. We show that this signal is particularly sensitive to many-body correlations which are missed by time-dependent Hartree-Fock approximation. The correlation energy of two-exciton can be probed with a very high resolution arising from a two-dimensional correlation spectrum, where two-exciton couplings spread the cross peaks along both axes of the 2D spectrum to create a characteristic highly resolved pattern. This level of detail is not available from conventional one-dimensional four-wave mixing or other two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy signals such as the photo echo (-k(1)+ k(2)+ k(3)).
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