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- Bookedited by Eric Hollander, Randi Hagerman, Deborah Fein.Summary: The book's emphasis on types of assessment, genetic testing and counseling, and medical and psychological treatment will be exceedingly useful to health care providers navigating the new diagnostic criteria introduced in DSM-5.
Epidemiology / Julianne Myers, Alison Presmanes Hill, Katharine Zuckerman, and Eric Fombonne
Genomics and epigenomics / Fereydoun Hormozdiari, Megan Y. Dennis, and Janine M. LaSalle
Environmental toxicity and immune dysregulation / Judy van der Water, Isaac N. Pessah
Psychiatric assessment and treatment / Casara Jean Ferretti M.S., Bonnie P. Taylor, Jacqueline Shinall, Eric Hollander
Pediatric and neurological assessment and targeted treatments / Andrew Ligsay, Jennifer M Bain, Jeremy Veenstra-Vanderweele, Randi Hagerman
Cognitive assessment / Marianne Barton, Julia Chen, Cara Cordeaux, and Deborah Fein
Behavioral treatment / MacDonald, R.F., Parry-Cruwys, D., & Peterson, P.
The developmental, individual difference, relationship based model for assessment and intervention (the DIR model) / Serena Wieder and Gilbert Foley
Autism interventions in schools / Christina Kang Toolan and Connie Kasari
Language, communication and occupational therapy interventions / Leonard Abbeduto, Laura Greiss Hess, Julia Wilbarger, Andrea McDuffie
Complementary and integrative approaches / Robert L Hendren, Felicia Widjaja, Brittany Lawton
Transcranial magnetic stimulation and non-invasive brain stimulation / Peter G. Enticott, Stefano Pallanti, Eric Hollander.Digital Access PsychiatryOnline 2018 - ArticleFranco L, Lopez-Braña I.Nucleic Acids Res. 1978 Oct;5(10):3743-57.A method for large scale isolation of a native deoxyribonucleohistone complex from yeast is described. Crude chromatin, obtained after disrupting yeast cells at low ionic strength, contains a large amount of lipids, partially due to contaminating membranes. Most of them are removed by a Triton X-100 treatment, followed by step-gradient centrifugation. About 90% of the pellet may be solubilized by mild procedures, the composition of the soluble material being: histone/DNA = 1.0;nonhistone proteins/DNA = 0.55; RNA/DNA = 0.18. Histones can be obtained with high purity. Micrococcal nuclease digests DNA to yield a series of oligomeric fragments, with an average repeat length of about 160 base pairs. Circular dichroism spectra show that (theta) 270 is reduced by about 30% when compared to pure DNA and that chromosomal proteins are not denatured. These results indicate that the components of the complex conserve the native state.