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  • Book
    Timothy A. Carey, Judith Gullifer, editors.
    Summary: This Handbook outlines in detail the features and challenges of rural and remote mental health service delivery and pragmatic considerations to address these, to ensure people in less populated areas receive an equivalent quality of service to their city-dwelling counterparts. The scope of the book includes general descriptions of the rural and remote context as well as the professional and ethical considerations involved in working in these areas. The book includes information specific to the professions that contribute to effective and efficient mental health services, as well as addressing specific areas of practice that warrant focused attention because of their importance. In order to cover the field comprehensively, the Handbook has four sections. The first section deals with the general context of rural and remote practice including a description of the general features of the setting and the importance of attention to ethical and professional standards. The second section of the Handbook describes different ways of working in rural and remote contexts. Rural and remote contexts provide many opportunities for innovation and creativity but it is imperative that novel approaches do not compromise the quality and integrity of the service. The third section covers individual professions in detail and the fourth section focuses specifically on particular areas of practice that present challenges for rural and remote areas. Academics will find this Handbook a valuable evidence-based resource to enhance their teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate mental health students. Practitioners will find this book an important reference guide to enrich and broaden their rural and remote experiences. They will be informed of the latest research evidence and will be provided with practical advice and strategies to promote advanced clinical practice in this challenging context. .

    Section One The Context of Rural and Remote Mental Health
    1. Rural and Remote Mental Health
    2. The Social Determinants and Rural and Remote Mental Health
    3. The Importance of Culture to Rural and Remote Mental Health
    4. Indigenous Mental Health in Remote Communities
    5. Mental Health Research and Evaluation in Rural and Remote Settings
    6. Ethical and Professional Considerations
    Section Two Professional Practice in Rural and Remote Mental Health
    7. Primary Care in Rural and Remote Contexts
    8. The Visiting Workforce
    9. Telemental Health in Rural and Remote Contexts
    10. Working Transdiagnostically from a Patient-Led Perspective
    11. Multidisciplinary Teams in Rural and Remote Mental Health
    Section Three The Role of Different Professions in Rural and Remote Mental Health Practice
    12. Psychiatry
    13. Mental Health Nursing
    14. Psychology
    15. Social Work
    16. Occupational Therapists
    17. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Professionals
    18. Self-Care for Mental Health Professionals in Rural and Remote Contexts
    Section Four Important Areas of Practice in Rural and Remote Mental Health
    19. uicide and Self-Harm
    20. Alcohol and Other Drugs
    21. The Safe Use of Pharmacotherapy
    22. Working in Schools
    23. Social and Emotional Wellbeing
    24. Working with Families
    25. Supporting communities (rural financial counsellors, community groups, etc)
    26. The Future of Rural and Remote Mental Health.
    Digital Access Springer 2021