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- Book[edited by] Joon Pio Hong, Geoffrey G. Hallock.Summary: "Adequate evaluation of lower limb wounds for salvage requires an itemized assessment of vascular, osseous, soft tissue, and functional deficits. Lower Extremity Reconstruction: A Practical Guide by renowned reconstructive surgeons and perforator flap masters J.P. Hong and Geoffrey G. Hallock presents an orthoplastic approach to this growing and challenging area of microsurgery. Throughout the well-illustrated text and videos, an impressive cadre of international surgeons share pearls and insights, including esoteric knowledge and step-by-step demonstration of techniques with pertinent case examples. This unique guide presents a practical, visual, and stepwise approach to learning and mastering a full array of flap and microsurgery approaches for traumatic, dysvascular, metabolic, and oncologic lower limb defects. Organized into 26 topic-specific chapters, the book covers a full spectrum of lower extremity topics-from wound prep, timing, closure alternatives, and therapy-to soft-tissue tumors and a new concept in drop foot treatment. Numerous videos demonstrate how surgeons can leverage workhorse options to prevent chronic non-healing wounds or amputations and achieve the goal of limb salvage"-- Provided by publisher.
Our Introduction to Lower Extremity Reconstruction / Joon Pio Hong and Geoffrey G. Hallock
Assessment of the Normal and Impaired Lower Extremity / Rachel M. Clancy and Ronald M. Zuker
Indications for Vascular Intervention in Lower Extremity Reconstruction / David L. Colen and Lawrence B. Colen
Orthopaedic Evaluation of the Lower Extremity and the Concept of the Orthoplastic Approach / Shaun D. Mendenhall, Nicole A. Zelenski, Oded Ben-Amotz, Stephen J. Kovach, and L. Scott Levin
Surgical Approach to Pediatric Bone and Soft-Tissue Tumors of the Lower Extremity / Rachel M. Clancy, Karen W. Wong, and Ronald M. Zuker
Spare-Part Surgery / Marco Innocenti, Eric Santamaria, and Young Chul Suh
Using the Flap and Angiosome Concepts to Optimize Functional Lower Leg and Foot Amputations / Christopher Attinger
Vascular Anatomy of the Lower Extremity : A Practical Guide to Vascular Territories, Perforators, and Selection of Recipient Vessels / Alison Wong and Steven F. Morris
Importance of Vascularity and Selecting the Recipient Vessels in Lower Extremity Reconstruction / Joon Pio Hong, Changsik John Park, and Hyunsuk Peter Suh
General Wound Preparation and Timing / Casey T. Kraft, Ibrahim Khansa, and Jeffrey E. Janis
The Pertinence of the Reconstructive Ladder and the Reconstructive Elevator / Patrick L. Reavey and Lawrence J. Gottlieb
Nonflap Wound Closure Alternatives : Skin Graft, Skin Substitute, Skin Stretch, and Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy / Hyunsuk Peter Suh
The Process for Flap Selection by Region of the Lower Extremity / Geoffrey G. Hallock
The Basic Practical Lower Limb Muscle Local Flaps / Geoffrey G. Hallock
Basic Local Perforator Flaps of the Lower Extremity / Geoffrey G. Hallock, Mouchammed Agko, Hung-Chi Chen, S. Raja Sabapathy, Hari Venkatramani, and Madhu Periasamy
Common Versatile Free Flaps for the Lower Extremity / Geoffrey G. Hallock, Waleed Gibreel, Karim Bakri, and Samir Mardini
Supermicrosurgery Approach to the Lower Limb / Joon Pio Hong
Diabetic Foot Reconstruction / Joon Pio Hong
Rationale for Lower Limb Sensate Flaps / Joon Pio Hong
A New Concept in Drop Foot Treatment: Ninković's Technique-the Neuromusculotendinous Gastrocnemius Transfer / Milomir Ninković, Marina Ninković, and Alexander de Heinrich
Modern Concepts of Prosthetic Rehabilitation in Amputation of the Lower Extremity / Stefan Salminger, Clemens Gstoettner, Agnes Sturma, and Oskar C. Aszmann
Procurement of Thin Flaps as Indicated in the Lower Extremity / Joon Pio Hong
Bone Flaps and Bone Transport for Lower Limb Reconstruction / Matthew Iorio, Stephen Andrew Sems, and Steven L. Moran
Surgical Treatment for Lower Extremity Lymphedema / Isao Koshima, Hirofumi Imai, Shuhei Yoshida, Shogo Nagamatsu, Kazunori Yokota, Mitsunobu Harima, Shuji Yamashita, and Haruki Mizuta
Lower Limb Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation / Pedro C. Cavadas
Perioperative Care and Rehabilitation Specific to the Lower Limb / Manas Nigam, Michael V. Defazio, and Karen K. Evans. - ArticleSchmidt AM.Chest. 1978 Jun;73(6 Suppl):967-71.