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- BookBuddhi Marambe, Jeevika Weerahewa, Warshi S. Dandeniya, editors.Summary: A food system comprises the entire range of actors and interlinked activities related to food production, processing, distribution, marketing and trade, preparation, consumption, and disposal. When a food system operates without compromising the needs of future generations, it is considered to be a "Sustainable Food System." The present-day food systems in Sri Lanka are diverse, and the natural and physical environment, infrastructure, institutions, society and culture, and policies and regulations within which the food systems operate, as well as the technologies employed, have shaped their outcomes. Agricultural research is a key factor in terms of innovation and technological advances. Innovation has been the main driver of food systems' transformation over the past few decades and will be critical to addressing the needs of a rapidly growing population in a context of climate change and scarcity of natural resources. In addition, agricultural research must help meet the rising demand for food at affordable prices. Comprising 17 chapters written by specialist(s) in their respective subject-areas, this Contributed Volume on "Agricultural Research for Sustainable Food Systems in Sri Lanka: A Historical Perspective" shares the scientific knowledge accumulated by the National Agricultural Research System of Sri Lanka, including universities, and offers recommendations on how to make food systems more sustainable in order to address the current needs of Sri Lankan society. It presents perspectives on four key thematic areas, namely: (i) Crop and animal production, management, and improvement, (ii) Agro-product processing technologies, (iii) Natural resource management, and (iv) Socio-economic development and agri-business management.
Editors and Contributors
About the Editors
1: Food Systems in Sri Lanka: Components, Evolution, Challenges and Opportunities
1.1 Food System: The Concept
1.1.1 What Is a Food System?
1.1.2 Why Sustainable Food Systems?
1.1.3 Why Food System Approach Is Needed to Achieve Development Targets?
1.2 Measuring Performance and Drivers of Food Systems
1.3 Evolution of Food Systems of Sri Lanka
1.3.1 The Key Components of the Food System 1.3.2 Agricultural Production System in the Economy of Sri Lanka
1.4 Performance of Food Systems in Sri Lanka
1.4.1 Agricultural Production System
1.4.2 Agricultural Marketing System
1.4.3 Food and Nutrition Security
1.4.4 Policies, Institutions and Regulations
1.5 The Way Forward for Sri Lanka: Opportunities and Challenges
2: Nutrition Transition in Sri Lanka: A Meta-Analysis of the Nutrition Profile
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Contextual Background
2.2.1 Key Characteristics of the Sri Lankan Economy 2.2.2 Food and Nutrition Policy Framework During 1977-2017 Food Assistance and Safety Net Programs Nutritional Interventions
2.2.3 Diet Transformation Dietary Nutrient Intake Vegetable and Fruit Consumption Meat and Fish Consumption Sugar and Salt Intake
2.3 Methodology
2.3.1 Approach
2.3.2 Meta-Database and Eligibility Criteria
2.3.3 Tabular Analysis
2.3.4 Regression Analysis
2.4 Results
2.4.1 Trends in Nutritional Status and Determinants Status of Undernutrition among Preschool Children Status of Undernutrition Among Adolescents and Adults Determinants of Undernutrition
2.4.2 Micronutrient Deficiencies
2.4.3 Overweight and Obesity Overweight and Obesity Among Preschool Children Overweight and Obesity Among Adult Men and Women Determinants of Overweight and Obesity
2.5 Diagnosis of Nutrition Transition
2.5.1 Key Trends, Patterns in Malnutrition and Its Determinants
2.5.2 Results of the Econometric Analysis 2.6 Summary, Conclusions, and Way Forward
2.6.1 Summary and Conclusions
2.6.2 Way Forward
3: Cascaded Tank-Village System: Present Status and Prospects
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Cascaded Tanks
3.3 Early Studies of Tank Cascades
3.4 Cascade Ecology
3.5 Issues in Tank Cascade Systems
3.6 Restoration of Tank Ecosystem for Sustainable Use
4: Soil Survey, Classification and Mapping in Sri Lanka: Past, Present and Future
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Diversity of Soils of Sri Lanka - ArticleLoban KM, Polozok ES.Sov Med. 1978 May(5):59-61.