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  • Book
    Hemanshu Prabhakar, Nidhi Gupta, editors.
    Summary: This book discusses normal brain physiology and renal physiology, as well as the interactions between the two. The physiology of the brain can easily be affected by any changes to the physiology of other systems, which in turn may compromise cerebral blood flow and oxygenation. Together the brain and the renal system help our body systems to function automatically. The book addresses the basic aspects of neurophysiology and renal physiology in three broad sections, the first of which covers the basic principles of cerebral physiology and neural regulation of the renal system. The second part reviews the normal physiology of the renal system, including the mechanism of action, while the last section summarizes the correlation between the brain and kidney. Highly informative and clearly structured, the book provides essential insights for anyone with an interest in physiology and medicine.

    About the Editors
    1: Neurophysiology and Renal System
    1.1 Basics of Cerebral Physiology
    1.1.1 Cerebral Blood Flow and Autoregulation Cerebral Blood Flow Cerebral Autoregulation
    1.1.2 Blood Cerebrospinal Fluid and Blood-Brain Barrier
    1.1.3 Role of Brain in Body Fluid Dynamics
    1.2 Neural Regulation of Renal System
    1.2.1 Efferent Signals from Central Nervous System to Kidneys Neural Control of the Renal Circulation Neural Control of Renal Tubular Function Neural Control of Renal Hormonal Secretion
    1.2.2 Afferent Signals from Kidneys to Central Nervous System Renorenal Reflex Control of Renal Function Mechanisms of Activation of Renal Sensory Nerves
    1.3 Role of Renal Sympathetic Nerves in Pathophysiological States
    1.3.1 Hypertension
    1.3.2 Chronic Sodium-Retaining Edema-Forming States
    1.4 Brain-Gut-Kidney Axis
    1.5 Conclusion
    2: Normal Physiology of Renal System
    2.1 Structure and Function of Kidney
    2.1.1 Gross Structure Location Cortex and Medulla
    2.1.2 Functional Unit: The Nephron Renal Corpuscle Renal Tubule
    2.1.3 Types of Nephrons
    2.1.4 Juxtaglomerular Apparatus
    2.1.5 Vascular Supply and Innervation of Kidney Vascular Supply Innervation of Kidney
    2.1.6 Functions of Kidney
    2.1.7 Recent Advances
    2.2 Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
    2.2.1 Mechanism of Generation of GFR Pressure Gradients Filtration Coefficient
    2.2.2 Factors Effecting Glomerular Filtration Rate: (Bhaskar and Oommen 2018) 2.2.3 Regulation of Glomerular Filtration Rate
    2.2.4 Effect of Vasoconstrictors and Vasodilators (Hall and Brands 2012)
    2.2.5 Measurement of GFR (Gaspari et al. 1997) Filtration Markers Renal Clearance Creatinine Clearance Test
    Estimated Creatinine Clearance SNGFR Estimation Technique (Moore 1984)
    2.3 Transport of Solute Across Kidneys
    2.3.1 Active Transport
    2.3.2 Passive Transport
    2.3.3 Proximal Tubule (Curthoys and Moe 2014) Sodium Reabsorption Water Reabsorption Glucose Reabsorption (Mather and Pollock 2011)
    2.3.4 Loop of Henle
    2.3.5 Distal Convoluted Tubule
    2.3.6 Collecting Duct Reabsorption of Solutes Reabsorption of Water
    2.4 Urine Concentration and Dilution
    2.4.1 Why Is There a Need for Urine Concentration? How Is Urine Concentration Achieved?
    The Solute and Water Permeability Characteristics of Each Tubule Segment (Table 2.4)
    The Osmotic Gradient Between the Tubule Lumen and Its Surrounding Interstitium (Knepper and Stephenson 1986)
    Digital Access Springer 2020
  • Article
    Chamberlin ME, Galau GA, Britten RJ, Davidson EH.
    Nucleic Acids Res. 1978 Jun;5(6):2073-94.
    Measurements are described of the kinetics of nucleic acid strand pair reassociation where the complementary strands are of different lengths and are present in different concentrations. Rate constants for the reaction of labelled fragments ("tracer") with excess complementary strands ("driver") were determined, both for driver fragment length greater than tracer fragment length and for the reverse case. Second order reactions and pseudo-first order reactions utilizing strand separated drivers and tracers were studied. The nucleic acids which served for this investigation were phiX174 DNA and RNA, plasmid RSF2124 DNA and E. coli DNA. Approximate empirical expressions relating driver and tracer fragment lengths with the observed rate constants were obtained for practical use. In long tracer-short driver reactions the observed rate constant for the tracer reaction increases proportionately with tracer length. In long driver-short tracer reactions the rate of tracer reaction is retarded. The latter result is unexpected and appears to represent a departure from standard interpretations of the renaturation reaction.
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