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  • Book
    D.K. Pal.
    Summary: This book highlights ecosystem services of Indian tropical soils driven by soil properties. Soils are complex and important biomaterials and have an outstanding role in providing ecosystem services to mankind. The tropical soils have been traditionally and generally considered as either agriculturally poor or virtually useless by many. This book will discuss the difficulties encountered in managing Indian tropical soils in order to sustain their productivity. Some unique soil properties are yet to be linked explicitly to soil ecosystem services and soil care needs to be a constant research endeavour in the Indian tropical environment. This book highlights the new and unique soil knowledge base necessary to close the gap between food production and future population growth.

    Intro; Preface; Contents; About the Author;
    Chapter 1: Soil Properties and Ecosystem Services: Overview and Introduction; References;
    Chapter 2: Agro-ecological Regions for Better Crop Planning and Ecosystem Services; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Refinement of Agro-ecological Zones Based on Soil Properties; 2.3 Usefulness and Revision Needs of AESR; 2.3.1 Example 1 from SAT Non-zeolitic Vertisols; 2.3.2 Example 2 from SAT Zeolitic Vertisols; 2.3.3 Example 3 from BSR and IGP Areas on Wheat Productivity; 2.4 Generation of New Data for AESR Revision 2.5 Computation of Length of Growing Period (LGP) Based on sHC2.5.1 Estimation of sHC; sHC of the IGP soils; sHC of the BSR soils; 2.6 Modification of AESR Boundaries; 2.6.1 The Indo-Gangetic Plains; 2.6.2 Black Soils Region; 2.7 Usefulness of Modified AESRs in BSR Observed in Better Compatibility Between Revised LGP and Cotton Yield: A Case Study; References;
    Chapter 3: Organic Carbon Sequestration and Ecosystem Service of Indian Tropical Soils; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Other Factors of SOC Sequestration; 3.3 '4 per mille' Concept and Enhancement of SOC Sequestration 3.4 Possible Ways to Enhance the SOC SequestrationReferences;
    Chapter 4: Is Soil Inorganic Carbon (CaCO3, SIC) Sequestration a Bane or a Hidden Treasure in Soil Ecosystem Services?; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Formation of CaCO3 in SAT Soils: A Regressive Pedogenesis; 4.3 SIC (CaCO3) as Soil Modifier: Its Soil Ecosystem Services; 4.4 SIC's Ecosystem Services and Sustainability of SAT Soils; References;
    Chapter 5: Soil Modifiers (Ca-Zeolite and Gypsum) as Ecosystem Engineers in Soils of Humid and Semi-arid Tropical Climates; 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Ca-Zeolites as Prolonged Ecosystem Engineer in Inceptisols, Alfisols and Mollisols of the Humid Tropical WG and KR Areas5.3 Ca-Zeolites as Transitory Ecosystem Engineer in Soils of SAT Marathwada Region of Central Peninsular India; 5.4 Gypsum: A Better Ecosystem Engineer than Ca-Zeolites in Vertisols of SAT Environment; 5.5 Zeolites Sustain Rice Cultivation in SAT Vertisols; 5.6 Ca-Zeolites in Adsorption and Desorption of Major Nutrients in SAT Vertisols; 5.6.1 Organic Carbon; 5.6.2 Nitrogen; 5.6.3 Phosphorus; 5.6.4 Potassium; References
    Chapter 6: Degradation in Indian Tropical Soils: A Commentary6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Physical Degradation Due to Water Erosion in Indian HT and SAT Soils; 6.2.1 HT Soils; 6.2.2 SAT Soils; 6.3 Chemical Degradation in Indian HT and SAT Soils; 6.3.1 HT Soils; 6.3.2 SAT Soils; References;
    Chapter 7: Summary and Concluding Remarks; 7.1 Agro-ecological Regions as a Tool for Ecosystem Services; 7.2 Organic Carbon Sequestration and Ecosystem Service; 7.3 Soil Inorganic Carbon Sequestration in Soil Ecosystem Services; 7.4 Soil Modifiers as Ecosystem Engineers; 7.5 Degradation in Indian Tropical Soils
    Digital Access Springer 2019
  • Article
    Andrick JM.
    Am J Clin Hypn. 1978 Apr;20(4):224-34.
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