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  • Book
    Chisato Takenaka, Naoki Hijii, Nobuhiro Kaneko, Tatsuhiro Ohkubo, editors.
    Summary: Investigates radiocesium movement in all major components of forest ecosystems, e.g. the plants, animals, insects, microorganisms, and soils, during the initial stage of contamination after the incident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Most of the work was conducted at a common research site. More specifically, the book examines the contribution of surface uptake by trees in the dynamics of radiocesium during the initial contamination stage; the movement of radiocesium in the form of small organic fragments that are essential to the radiocesium dynamics in forest ecosystems; and the upward movement of radiocesium due to microorganism activity, which promotes the effective decontamination of the forest floor. Lastly, it explains why spiders could be a valuable indicator of the contamination level in forest ecosystems.

    Part I: Radiocesium deposition at the accident
    Chapter 1: Radioactive contamination in forest by the accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
    Comparison with Chernobyl-
    Chapter 2: Radiocesium deposition at the accident and the succeeding movement through hydrological process in forest ecosystem in Fukushima
    Part II: Mechanisms of radiocesium translocation in plants
    Chapter 3: Uptake of radiocesium by plants
    Chapter 4: Surface absorption of 137Cs through tree bark
    Chapter 5: Translocation of 137Cs in the woody parts of Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica)
    Chapter 6: Radiocesium translocations in bamboos
    Chapter 7: Movement of cesium in model plants
    Part III: Radiocesium movement through ecological processes in forest ecosystem
    Chapter 8: Movement of radiocesium as litterfall in deciduous forests
    Chapter 9: Changes in chemical forms of radiocesium in the forest floor organic matter with decomposition, and uptake of radiocesium derived from the organic matter by crops
    Chapter 10: Contamination and transfer of radio-Cs in soil ecosystem
    Chapter 11: Spiders as an indicator of 137Cs dynamics in the food chains in forests
    Chapter 12: Radioactive cesium contamination of sika deer in Oku-Nikko region of Tochigi Prefecture in Central Japan
    Part IV: Radiocesium dynamics and its perspective in forests
    Chapter 13: Modeling radiocesium dynamics in a contaminated forest in Japan
    Chapter 14: Future perspective.
    Digital Access Springer 2019
  • Article
    Neer EJ.
    Adv Cyclic Nucleotide Res. 1978;9:69-83.
    Digital Access Access Options