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  • Book
    Graham E. Rotheray.
    Summary: This book offers an overview of the larva of Diptera Cyclorrhapha. It first discusses the principal forms, functions and roles of larvae, and then evaluates feeding, locomotion and respiration in larval saprophages, phytophages and zoophages as keys to understanding and predicting larval morphology. It also highlights how the environment affects morphology, the adaptiveness of morphological features and compares the adaptive features. Assessing the larval attributes that have the potential to explain the success of the Cyclorrhapha, the book also suggests future research directions and provides a summary of main findings and conclusions. As such, it appeals to entomologists, evolutionary biologists and Diptera researchers in all fields.

    Chapter 1: The Cyclorrhaphan larva
    Chapter 2: Acquiring data: targets, problems and solutions
    Chapter 3: Forms, functions and names
    Chapter 4: Mobility and locomotion
    Chapter 5: Respiration
    Chapter 6: Saprophagy, developing on decay
    Chapter 7: Phytophagy and mycophagy
    Chapter 8: Zoophagy: predation and parasitism
    Chapter 9: The Cyclorrhaphan larva as a data source.
    Digital Access Springer 2019
  • Article
    Lycheva TA, Marakusha BI.
    Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol. 1978 May(5):26-31.
    The authors noted a different influence upon the virulence of Sh. flexneri (determined by keratoconjunctival test) of transmission of different alleles of the strA-gene (A1, A2, A40, A60). There was revealed no correlation between the extent of the changes in virulence and the extent of capacity ot the limiting of suppression in donor strains.
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