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- BookSarath Chandran C., Sabu Thomas, M.R. Unni, editors.Summary: This volume provides an overview of the fundamental concepts and recent advancements in organic farming, a form of agriculture that is increasing rapidly in popularity. Readers will discover information on the history of organic farming, environmental friendly practices and challenges, and innovations in the field. The chapter authors analyze pertinent aspects of this integrated farming system including strategies to improve seed quality, methods to improve soil fertility, and the advantages of using organic fertilizers. Particular attention is also given to weed management practices, bioenergy production and insights into the ways organic farming can adapt to global climate change and build sustainable food systems for future generations. Scientists, decision-makers, professors, and farmers who wish to work towards making agricultural systems more sustainable will find this book appealing.
Intro; Preface; Contents; Organic Farming in Protecting Water Quality; Introduction; What Are the Different Ways by Which Water Quality Deteriorates?; Organic Farming; Aims and Definitions of Organic Farming; Organic Farming: Environmental Benefits; Nutrient Leaching and Runoff; How Organic Farming Controls Nutrient Leaching and Runoff; Positive Management Practices to Minimize Nutrient Leaching and Runoff; Soil Erosion; Positive Practices That Minimize Erosion; Pathogens; Positive Practices; Pesticides; Positive Practices; Heavy Metals; Conclusion; References Current Status and Soil Biology Impacts of Organic Conservation Tillage in the US Great PlainsIntroduction; Organic Continuous-NT Systems; Conservation-Tillage Impacts on the Soil Food Web; Effect of Conservation Tillage on the Soil Microbial Community; Impact of Tillage on Nematodes; Impact of Tillage on Soil Meso- and Macrofauna; Suggestions for Future Research; References; Use of Biochar in Organic Farming; Chapter Overview; Introduction: Biochar History and Use in Agricultural Systems; Biochar Generation and Properties; Biochar Generation; Physical and Structural Properties of Biochar Macromolecular Properties of BiocharInfluence of Biochar on Soil Properties; Soil Physical Properties; Soil Biochemical Properties; Soil Microorganisms; Influence of Biochar on Crop Productivity in Organic Agriculture; Biochar in Organic Agriculture: The San Juan Experience; Background and Biochar Generation; Study Design and Results; Linking Sustainable Agroforestry to Organic Farming; References; Pest and Disease Control Strategies in Organic Fruit Production; Soil Management Practices to Reduce Pest Incidence; Field Management Practices to Reduce Pest Incidence Physical Methods to Control Flying PestsBotanicals in Pest and Disease Control; Microbial Bioagents in Pest Control; Natural Enemies for Pest Management; Ecological Engineering Approaches; Biodiversity with Flowering Plants; Intercrops to Check Pest Incidence; Trap Cropping; Physical Methods to Control Postharvest Pests and Diseases; Plant Products to Control Postharvest Pests and Diseases in Fruits; Conclusion; References; Pesticides: Classification, Detection, and Degradation; Introduction; Detection of Pesticides; Chromatographic Techniques; Supercritical Fluid Extraction Pressurized Liquid ExtractionGel Permeation Chromatography; Analysis of Pesticides; Conclusion; References; Organic Animal Husbandry; Introduction; Objectives of Organic Animal Husbandry; Role of Livestock in Organic Agriculture; Animal Welfare in Organic Agriculture; Role of Organic Agriculture on Animal Health; Reduce Incidence of Diseases; Promotes Health of Animal; Reduces Pain and Stress Through Standard Animal Welfare; Organic Livestock Production Standards; The European Union Organic (EU Organic) Standard for Livestock Production - Articlevan Oss CJ, Mohn JF, Cunningham RK.Vox Sang. 1978;34(6):351-61.A study is made of the influence on hemagglutination of various physicochemical parameters, such as: cell shape, cell distance, extracellular colloid-osmotic pressure, degree of hydration of the cell surface, and cell zeta-potential. To a varying extent these are changed by: the addition of divers soluble polymers, the action of enzymes, the presence of various salt ions, centrifugation, agglomeration at low ionic strength, complex coacervation with cationic polymers, and the interaction with different kinds of antibodies. Among the more important parameters are cell distance and cell shape (particularly when the latter tends to spiculation), while the influence of zeta-potential appears to be of fairly minor consequence. The action of dissolved polymers is mediated through polymer bridging, increase in extracellular colloid-osmotic pressure, decrease of cell surface hydration, and change in cell shape. A peculiarity of dextran is that in addition to all of the above, it causes pronounced erythrocytic spiculation.