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  • Book
    Eric T. Freyfogle, Dale D. Goble, and Todd A. Wildermuth.
    Summary: "Wildlife Law: A Primer is an indispensable reference for anyone engaged in wildlife conservation. Covering a vast and complex field with both clarity and depth, this easy-to-understand primer is a must-have for biologists, land managers, journalists, lawyers, judges, citizen advocates, and anyone who deals with conservation. Used in college and professional courses, this book is bound to empower a new generation of wildlife advocates. Mary Christina Wood, Philip H. Knight Professor, University of Oregon School of Law "Wildlife Law is impressive in its breadth and depth, providing analysis that is informative and insightful for experts, yet engagingly accessible for non-experts. It is unique in the topics it covers and fills a critical need for lawyers, wildlife managers, students, and scholars. Eric Biber, Professor of Law, University of California, Berkeley "This invaluable primer is an excellent resource for wildlife professionals, lawyers, students, and those who love the outdoors. The authors deftly balance theory and practice in this comprehensive, accessible journey through wildlife law. Andy Buchsbaum, National Wildlife Federation, Vice President, Conservation Partnerships.

    The Basics
    State Ownership and the Public Interest
    Capturing and Owning
    Wildlife on Private Land
    Inland Fisheries
    The Constitutional Framework
    State Game Laws and Nuisance Species
    Private Wildlife Operations
    Tribal Rights to Wildlife
    Key Federal Statutes
    Wildlife on Federal Lands
    ESA: Listing and Critical Habitat
    ESA: Protections
    About the Authors
    Digital Access Springer 2019