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  • Book
    Howard D. Stupak.
    Summary: This volume presents a novel logic-based, simplified understanding and approach to the external nose and face for aesthetics, airway, and sleep treatments that have mostly been under-recognized in the past. Key features of the text include an engineers approach to simple rhinoplasty, (Release, Resize, Reposition, Reinforce) instead of the typical step-wise procedure algorithm. It also includes a logical explanation of how facial skeletal anatomy is the true cause of sleep apnea and aesthetic deformity with the physics and evidence of how this works, and a review of conventional rhinoplasty/facial structural treatments, with an analysis of why these are flawed and need improvement. Finally, rhinoplasty surgical strategy is discussed using a Rhinoplasty Compass(TM) diagram. Rethinking Rhinoplasty and Facial Surgery appeals to the surgeon who has grown frustrated with the aesthetic and breathing results of the conventional treatment paradigm. It also appeals to the otolaryngologist, plastic or oral surgeon who avoids working on the external nose and nasal valve because of the perceived complexity of graft-style rhinoplasty or oversimplicity and limitations of basic septoplasty and turbinate reduction. This book provides a hybrid approach to the nose and face that provides more reliable and straightforward outcomes via an understanding of framework.

    Part I Toward an understanding of structure/function interaction
    Chapter 1 The problem we face: The "compartmentalized" conventional view of facial/nasal anatomy
    Chapter 2 The invisible forces in our nasal airway: Air flow and cavity negative pressure
    Chapter 3 Nasal function and Sleep Disorders
    Chapter 4 The human facial skeleton: influence on the airway and aesthetics?
    Part II Rhinoplasty Strategy and Tactics
    Chapter 5 A structural model to systematically understand nasal framework: The Rhinoplasty Compass
    Chapter 6 Modeling to evaluate conventional procedures
    Chapter 7 Rhinoplasty Strategy and Tactics using the Rhinoplasty Compass
    Chapter 8 Complementary procedures to the Framework Strategy (The Canopy Layer)
    Chapter 9 Strategies for addressing mouth-breathing treatment with an "Adequate" nose
    Chapter 10 Breaking the barriers between specialties: Toward a universal understanding of anatomy and function.
    Digital Access Springer 2020
  • Article
    Appenzeller O.
    Med Clin North Am. 1978 May;62(3):467-8.
    Digital Access Direct to PDF
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-44674-1 doi:10.1016/s0025-7125(16)31786-2